The Semper Harm & Mac Shipper Site
Welcome to the place where shippers can enjoy the best of Harm & Mac!

From the beginning of season 2 JAGniks have been enjoying the
wonderful relationship between Lt. Commander Harmon Rabb, Jr. and
Major Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie. The chemistry between them is
incredible and they are, without doubt, the hottest couple on TV
today. From partners, to friends, to much more, these two have
given us some great scenes, quotes and looks.
For some fans Harm & Mac are just best friends, but for hundreds
of people they are soul mates. The perfect couple trying to keep
their personal feelings at bay as they work together. This site
is dedicated to Harm & Mac and of course to the Harm & Mac
shippers (the only 'real' shippers). Here you will enjoy our favorite
photos,quotes, favorite scenes and much more!
Enjoy your visit at our Shipper site and remember: SEMPER Harm & Mac!!
This graphic/composition created by Bridget Walker
How did it all begin?
Our collection of Harm & Mac photos
Our favorite Shipper quotes
Our favorite Shipper scenes
A Guide to our Favorite Fan Fics
Funny poems, songs & write ups by fellow shippers
How Shippers feel about Annie, Dalton, Sokol and the rest
A funny song that some shippers thought was perfect for "Jordie"
Our Shipper's Pledge to Harm&Mac!
All shippers let's sing!
A list of JAG links
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DISCLAIMER: Jag is the property of Paramount Pictures, Belisarius Productions and CBS Television. This is an unofficial site which has no affiliations with these organizations. This is a recreational endeavor, no profit is being made and copyright
infringement is not intended.
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