I was born near Nashville TN in the late 60's but grew up in Dickson Co. TN where I graduated from High School. I have many interests though as a mother of a six yr old daughter I only have a limited amount of free time that I can devote to them. I love Gardening(or at least trying to) so during the Spring, Summer & Fall I spend
a bit of time working in my Herb & Flower gardens. This year I have planted mostly perennials. My standards are my roses, cannas and azaleas. I had a good deal of luck growing cosmos from seed last year so I saved a few seeds from last yrs bunch and was able to start some this year as well.
Flowers in my Garden: primrose, cosmos, hostas, roses, gardenia, black-eyed susan, thrift, dianthus, gladious, red hot poker, grape vine, hydrangea, hibiscus, crepe myrtles, sweet peas, chrysanthemums, coreopsis, daylily, iris, bergenia, sweet william, delphinium, lilac and peonies.
Herbs in my Garden: lavender, dwarf lavender, rosemary, oregano, lemon thyme, catnip, sage, mint apple, spearmint, peppermint, chives, lemon balm, marjoram.
I also enjoy reading, old musicals, eatting Skittles©, designing webpages and researching my family history. My Family history research probably falls more under the category of an obscession. I have been researching for about 13+ yrs now. It is something I thoroughly enjoy.
Hope this has helped you learn about me and that you will find
my webpage to be informative and useful.
Documents for the Study of American History--this is a good site for researching history and has a good amount of Primary Document links.
Repository of Primary Sources--I highly recommend this site to anyone researching their family history.
Primary Source Documents--Basically a listing of Primary Source Links
USGENWEB State Links Page--Quick Link to the state sites of the USGENWEB
Library Spot--I absolutely love this site. So much info.
US Newspaper Links--links to US newspapers. Choose the state and it will take you to a listing of all newspapers in the state which have a web page. I use these to search for obituaries.
US Public Libraries--a listing of public libraries(which have a web page) in the US separated by state. Some library's have some very informative pages about their collections and local history.
Libraries Serving Genealogist--Genealogy Libraries on the Web--the page title pretty much says it all.
TNGENWEB Page--the TN state page of the USGENWEB
Mom's Library--a GCF production--This is a collection of resources of the GenChatFriends Club at Yahoo. Lookups from Books & Cds -- Members Pages -- Surnames Pages -- Pages dedicated to research in specific locations or on specific topics--genealogy lessons schedule and transcripts from past classes. Don't forget to sign the guestbook!!
TN Public Libraries--a listing of TN public libraries which are online.
TN Newspaper Links--a listing of TN newspapers which are online.
TN State Library & Archives--the State Library and archives for the state of TN. Contains alot of Genealogy and email addresses to direct your questions to
The Acuff Archives Homepage--For news happenings and descendant charts on all the Acuffs in the USA.
The Ultimate Cook/Cooke/Koch researchers page--A Great Collection of pages about the Cook Cooke and Koch Lines.
Combs-Coombs Genealogy Research Group--wonderful collection of Combs/Coombs research with a mailing list as well as a wealth of info on the Combs/Coombs Surname.
Hale Roots & other Variations--a wonderful collection of data for those researching the Hale Surname and variations.
Kings of TN--Alot of info on the Kings past and present of Tennessee.
Leroy Tilton's Looney Family in America Manuscripts--wonderful resource for both Looney & Luna researchers who descend from Robert & Elizabeth Looney and have Manx roots.
Ann Jobe Brown's Dekalb Co. TN Site--Good site with cemetery listings
Soundex Converter--a very handy site.
Cousin Calculator--Calculates "cousinship" using relationship to common relative.
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Marie C. Beckman
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