Aaron's Home Page
As you can see from the picture, I'm a fan of "The Dukes of Hazzard". It was the high point of my week from fifth to tenth grade. Now I watch everyday after work on TNN. Things can't get any better than this. Visit the below link for my awesome Dukes of Hazzard Page.
Aaron's Dukes of Hazzard Page

"Knight Rider" was also one of my favorite shows. Michael Knight was cool and KITT was awesome to say the least. One season NBC and CBS did the unthinkable. They put Knight Rider on the same timeslot as "The Dukes of Hazzard". I had to watch the new shows of one series and catch the other in reruns. Visit the below link
for my new Knight Rider Page.
Aaron' Knight Rider Page
I also buy and sell TV related collectibles. I specialize in character related lunchboxes from the '50s through the '80s. Visit my collectibles site at the below link.
Neat Stuff Collectibles