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Hi and Welcome to The Practice Fan Fiction Web Page.

This site features the fan fiction stories dedicated to the one of the TV's best drama The Practice.

This site has gone under many renovations and changes so thank you all for being with us for so long and we hope you like the new structure of the page.

There are two mailing lists, both related to this page.  Now I know this is all new for all of you, but it is a lot easier for us and more organized for our readers.  I am gonna have to ask all writers to post to both mailing list.  One is open for discussion, feedback, posting stories etc.  You are all used to this one.

The other one is moderated and strictly for posting stories only.  The messages must be approved before they are posted so don't bother posting comments and feedback here.  This is the place for writers to post stories and only stories as well as read (and only read) all the latest stories.

Bron has done an update with most recent stories so that page is still available for limited time only.

All the stories posted so far and in the future will be posted in the archive page which we are hoping to get done soon since we don't have to worry so much about this one.  

[ Information For Visitors | Information For Writers



[ The FanFic Archive Page | The FanFic Mailing list | The fanfic Yahoo Club | E-mail Melly ]

No Copyright infringement is intended by this site. The Practice, its storylines, and its characters are the property of 20th Century Fox Productions and David E. Kelley Productions. The images used throughout this site have been mostly gathered from around the net. Some of the images on this site are Courtesy of ABC Television.

This "The Practice" site owned by Melissa.
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