"We choose our joys and sorrors long before we experience them.
Kahil Gibran"

Male me. ;->

  Kiwi's TBAA home page




   I guess I need to put a wee bit into here, with an explanation as to why my Homepage has turned into a site for my Favourite TV show.
And it is........, I have NO idea. LOL !

Everything on this site was done in conjunction with the TBAA list and what was happening on there at the time. It's all done for a laugh and dyesigned to hurt and offend no one. IF YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE, THEN THIS SITES NOT FOR YOU, because its mostly Andrew bashing. Done with the utmost respect and love of course. #;->

This is for all the Touched By An Angel fans.
Especailly those Angelites on the TBAA lists, and the dedyecated bunch of Androolers I love to hassel.
Big Hugs

TBAA pics are borrowed (permanently) from the TBAA and John Dye site.
Some of the angel pics are from various sites on the net, and the drawings are from my girls.
Them I had to pay for!!!

My TBAA pages.

The John Dye Perfect Man Clone. Read the fun and history that led to the creation of the JDPMC. For the Dyecerning Androoler. lol

Andrew's Personality
Dyetective Saraphim, and case 151. What has happened to Andrews personality? Which leads too....

MDWA Sedyetive
Yes Folks, get your MDWA medyecation here. Andrew is outta this world, and so can you be too! lol Dont Dyelay...Ordye today!!!

My Dinner with Andrew
The infamous episode, done Kiwi style.

Andrew on trial for murder
You heard all about the ellusive ep, now read OUR versions.

What does it REALLY mean? Well here's where you find out.

The Androolers Prayer

The Androolers Anthem

Poems, songs, filks and prose for my favourite show from the TBAAlist Angelites.

Some more poems etc. Including our TBAA poem written by the list Angelites. Enjoy.

Were on a roll. Another page. Mostly me and my harrassing of the ANICENT & OLD ones. hee hee

and some more. The oldbees getting their own back mostly. giggle.

and some more.......

More peoms hassling the TBAAlist angelites and some Dyelish Dyealect

Christmas 1998

Christmas 1999

More TBAA sites and Friends homepages.

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owned by TBAA. Kiwi style!.

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Our acts our angels are, or good or ill, Our fatal shadows that walk by still.
John Fletcher

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Last Updated 20.02.2004 (in case your wondering!)