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Last updated: Apr. 12, 00

Apr. 12 I'm not going to make a fan fiction page anymore, too much work.  Paulo Costanzo Dream is getting a make-over!!  I hope you like it cause I spent so much time on it.
Jan. 3
I think I'm gonna make a fan fiction page so everyone write in!!!  Hope everyone had a good christmas and a happy new year!!
Dec. 11
We're getting into the Christmas spririt!!  Hapy Holidays to anyone who doesn't celebrate Christmas!!  Well the Costanzos Gazette is gone cause I thought it would be easier to just have a mailing list.  I added greeting cards, so check them out!!  That's all!!  CHOW!!!
Dec. 7
I found out how to make a poll!! So check it out! And I made an e-group called Paulo Gazette so if you would like to receive a weekly newsletter, you can subscribe to it.  Thats about it for now. CHOW!
Dec. 6
Well, I added a section about the other five actors that are on the Animorphs show even though the bios are not done yet.  I'm gonna try to add a poll like every week.  If someone knows how to do this please e-mail me.  Well, i think that's all for now!  CHOW!

Thank you to Mewwcabrera for making this banner for me