Not many interesting things to say about me and entirely too much monotony to delve in arduous detail about my life for a little webpage like this.
So let's focus on my hobbies.
I like reading fiction, watching movies and japanese anime, sketching and computer graphics and writing fanfiction. The former two are passive tasks, which I excel at. Needless to say, I'm not very good with the latter three, which requires a little more focussed activity, for which I discovered early on that I have little talent and patience for. But I still like to indulge in them anyway.
Presently, I am happily lost in the world of Anita Blake, created by the talented author, Laurell K, Hamilton. The brilliant novels by Patricia Cornwell, Georgette Heyer, Gwen Hunter, and Tom Clancy also form part of my treasured collection.
My favourite movies feature actors such as Orlando Bloom, Matt Damon and Chow Yun Fat, as well as Hong Kong actors such as Andy Lau, Brigitte Lin and Cecilia Cheung.
Japanese Animation that have left a strong positive impression on me include Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Berserk, Angel Sanctuary and Ayashi No Ceres.
My humble efforts at writing short stories and computer graphics are featured on this page. |