<BGSOUND SRC="/fivecents49/Sounds_of_Silence.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Welcome Friends .....
You are about to enter my little tribute to people  who I have loved and admired, throughout my lifetime.
They are all just individuals, each unique in their own way, but through the power of television and the movies, they came into my life.
Although many of them have passed, left this world for a better place, they live on, forever young in my heart.
As you view these photo's, I hope they bring back memories of days gone by, that live in your heart as well.
So, kick back in your chair, listen to the music, and let your mind wander, back to the 'good old days' of your youth, as you view this tribute to My Heroes.
Depending on the speed of your Internet connection, they may take some time to load.
Planning a trip in or around Washington DC ?
Please make a point to visit the VietNam Memorial 
Questions or Comments ?
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2 /12 / 09
Links to some of my favorite sites :
Premiere Oldies Band from Illinois - 50's 60's and 70's
Edit and Creat your own .gif files
Looking for a Grave?  Celebrities, Friends, Relatives - Find them here. Facts, Information, Locations, and Pictures.
Gif Works
Find A Grave
Gene and The Pushrods
Organizations to which I belong and / or support. Links to them are provided simply by "clicking" on the image.