Y&R Rumor Has It (by Bobb)

January 3 - 7, 2000

- Jack continues to dream of RaMOANa. His search in New Mexico begins!
- Brad and Nikki arrive in Italy. What happens when Vic finds out?
- Victor wants to know where Nikki is.
- Victor and Nick get on each others nerves. So what else is new?
- Trasha continues to lose it.
- Trasha, having slapped, kicked and kissed Tony, will be in a for a surprise as he plots his revenge against her.
- Ryan is in for a surprise….and I'll bet it's not a good one either!
- Megan finally pushes too hard.
- John questions a hung over Billy. Like mother like son!
- Olivia receives some disturbing news regarding her health.
- Tony wonders if Trasha is taking drug for her miscarriage since she seems so spaced out lately.
- Callie is thrilled with Michael's information.
- Nick is insistent on hiring a bodyguard for Victoria. Naturally, he's already beefed up the invisible security people at the ranch.
- Jack has a few words with Ramona.
- Nick tracks down Victoria's 'biggest fan (The Wart Man). But is he/she really the
Stalker??? And why wasn't the world famous detective successful in locating the perpetrator?
- Victoria gets close to her "#1 Fan"
- Billy tries to call Mac from the party, but hangs up when Raul answers the phone.
- Trasha finds herself daydreaming of kissing Tony.
- Something about Tomas intrigues the Bug. Is she thinking about bedhopping?
- Nina gets a New Years surprise!
- The stalker storyline heats up!
- Victoria finds a "fan" letter in her purse...and Nick's ready to take
drastic action!
- At the Colon Aid room, Paul has an emergency after Nina shows up, Cricket excuses herself and leaves Nina a note saying she's on her own…..Nina and Tomas have a nice "first date".
- Nina and Tomas spend some time together at the Colon Aid Room
- Victoria's life will never be the same again as she comes face
to face with her Stalker! Who is it? And who comes to her rescue? Will she unknowingly place herself in his hands?
- Victor is desperate to find Nikki.
- Victor continues to remain vague about his absence
- Nikki's life will be in a complete mess. She and Victor reunite
but her one night of passion with Brad comes back to haunt her,
and ruins everything! Could there me a bun in her oven?
- Victor turns to Ashley for support, following his break up with
Nikki. We've all seen this coming!
- Ryan and Trisha's marriage is OVER. AT LAST!
- Trisha and Megan's sisterly relationship will never be the same
- Megan leaves Genoa City.
- Jack and Victor each have plans for the other.
- Raul senses Billy is pushing him away…but can he figure out why?
- What does Nikki hear from the home front that makes her decide
it's time to head back to Genoa City...and what does Brad do to talk
her out of it?
- How does Tony react to Tricia's kiss? He plots to get even
- Jack is determined to set the record straight with Ramona. What does he do?
- Olivia has some bad news about her health.
- Will Victor arrive home before Nikki? If he does, Victoria's bracing herself for the
- Helena thinks Ramona should tell Victor about Nikki's infidelity. What does Ramona
decide to do?
- Malcolm presses Callie to set a date...and Michael has a plan to finally get Callie
divorced from Trey.
- Ryan decides to give Tricia's doctor a call. What does he find out? She's bonkers?

It will be a VERY long road back for Victor and Nikki(in Bill Bell
language that means at least a year maybe more)
Chris and Paul are headed for trouble
Victor and Nick continue to clash
The coffeehouse becomes an even greater conflict between Victor and Nick. Nick may also soon have other major battles to face.
Billy is hiding feelings for Mackenzie. His emotional confusion leads
to much acting out. He hangs with a different wilder crowd, which
may lead to a great crisis in his life.
Rumors are flying that when Victor returns and he and Nikki finally hook up, they will work things out,and get back together. BUT......it won't last long!!! Once things look as though they are back on track Nikki learns that she is PREGNANT! (Be careful what you wish for…..)
Jill and Brittany bond, and being the mother from hell, watch for Jill to try to push Billy into a relationship with Brittany. Sounds like Brittany is as coniving as Jill
Callie will finally make contact with her Trey Stark, her husband.
Callie wants a divorce,but Trey naturally will refuse to give her one. Will Malcolm be willing to forgive her for deceiving him? This will have to come out, because according to John Silva, since Trey is out of state, it could take up to a year.
The rumors of yet another catfight between Diane and Nikki still exist..and they still say that this catfight will put the other one to shame
Ryan turns to Nina after his marriage fails, but she doesn't have a lot of time to devote to him due to her constant growing interest and infatuation in Tomas.
Nina's future will be impacted by Tomas's past.
Watch for the "change" in Christine early in the year and it will cause problems in her marriage to the FlatFoot.
Christine, super-lawyer, quits her job at Legal Aid and begins work
at Newman Enterprises. This is a first step in Christine's
Chris longs for bigger challenges which may link her with the most
unexpected bedfellows and bring conflict into her relationship with Paul
Someone will use Victor's swimmers. Who will it be?
Malcom and Callie do NOT get married.
A fan favorite returns to Genoa City next year. The rumor is that it will be Michael Damian (Danny Romalotti)
The involvement of Mac and Billy will intensify the problems between Katherine and Jill.
Amanda, Mac's mother, shows up in Genoa City in February
Who will be the one to rescue Victoria once she comes face to face with her stalker? The encounter is suppose to change Victoria's life forever.
Upon learning that Nikki has gone to spaghetti land with Brad, as predicted, Victor cries on Ashley's shoulder. Her leaving Victor was one of her biggest mistakes she says
Nikki just can't get Victor out of her system and this leaves Brad frustrated.
Scaron sleeps with Cody throwing her marriage back to the rocks. What goes around, comes around. Will Nick be as forgiving, finally, as Scaron was?
Victor and Jack continue to have problems.
Trasha's manipulations manage to ruin her relationship with Megan, who will leave town in the earlier part of next year.
It is rumored that Tricia will kill Tony, either on purpose or accident,
causing his death (and reported violent exit from the show).
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