Welcome to my little spot on the web. This site's just to post my art and stuff like that so don't expect anything fancy. Updates on art maybe slow considering I'm a perfectionist and it takes me forever to upload something, even then I'm not satisfied but oh well, what can you do!

Anyway, I've talked enough. Go! Look around!


Wow, i've updated again, miricles DO happen. Anyway, I'm moving out of the house an into an apartment in downtown Savannah on Saturday. Bad news, I'll be withouth internet access for who knows how long. Well, at least I get my ID card, then I can go to the library which wont be until the 12th or so. As for new art, I've decided to go back to posting in public galleries. It takes alot of time to put one up on here and until I have my own .com name I doubt I'll be holding up a gallery here. Dunno when I'll upload anything to the galleries but hopefully it'll be soon. Yeah right. As always, more in depth updates are on the journal.








All art contained in this site is © Ajay Vargas. If you want to upload or alter my art, please email me and ask permission first. Much appreciation.





P R I N C E V 3 3 A T Y A H O O D O T C O M