Welcome to the Great Big Simpsons Ring!
Follow these simple steps to become a member of a Great Big Simpsons Ring!
1. Submit your Simpsons site by filling out the submission form below.
2. You will have to add the html code to your Simpsons site on either the main page or a seperate webrings page. The html code will be e-mailed to you after you have submitted your site successfully.
3. After adding the html code to your site, e-mail Harry.Lowe@clear.net.nz your site for
Review. If the html code is seen on your site, then you will becomea memebr of the Great Big Simpsons Ring!

Submit site to The Great Big Simpsons Ring
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Here you can see/do the following things:
Edit Your Site Info: in case you've moved address or changed e-mails, then enter your site ID and password to correct the changes.
Index: Index of sites in Evergreen Terrace Webring
Queue: List of sites in the queue
HTML Code Example: You will be e-mailed this with your information, once you have submitted your site, but you can take a look at it first.

Remember to E-mail to Harry.Lowe@clear.net.nz, your site address for
review after you have added the html code e-mailed to you.

If you wish to join more Simpsons webrings,
join our 2 other Simpsons webrings in the series!