UPDATED January 25, 2001 UPDATED January 8, 2001 The voting at the Bay City Library is finished. To see the winners, follow this link. UPDATED January 4, 2001 UPDATED January 2, 2001 UPDATED January 1, 2001 There is a new list at egroups for writers of gen S&H fiction. Please see the news flash section of this page for more info. UPDATED December 31, 2000 (HAPPY NEW YEAR) UPDATED December 15, 2000 A new feature has been added to the archive. Just in case you missed some updates, all of the previous months stories will now be listed on a separate page at the beginning of the next month. So, here are November's stories. |
Welcome to the Starsky and Hutch Fiction Archive. First off, let's get all of the technical stuff out of the way. The stories here are owned by the authors listed and may not be reproduced in any way without their written permission. The stories are written purely for entertainment and not meant to infringe in any way on the holders of the rights to Starsky and Hutch.
Any original characters in the stories are owned by the author and may not be used without their permission.
Do you have a Starsky and Hutch story that you would like to add to the archive? Comments or questions on how to improve the site? Just E-Mail me and let me know.
I would like to say thanks to all of the great authors who have made this site possible!
The SHGFANFIC List's Bay City Library would like to announce its first Starsky & Hutch Gen Fanfic Awards Event WINNERS! To see the results, just follow this link. And congratulations to all of the fine authors out there!
The GenwritersofSandHfic is a new list for the express purpose of posting fanfic based on the television series Starsky and Hutch. All fanfic must be "gen" only. Click on the above link for more details.