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This site is dedicated to fan fiction devoted to the various WWII television shows and movies. As soon as a show or movie has a posting it will get it's own division.
We would be interested in posting a short profile of each show or movie to act as an introduction to people new to any given fandom. We are open to all WWII fandoms even obscure ones.
The General Staff has come to this medium from the world of paper fanzines and thus we believe in editing. We want this site to reflect the best in fan fiction. All submissions will be proofread and simple typos etc will be fixed. We will not completely rewrite the story. Any major changes will be done by the writer. We do not edit content. We want a variety of fan fiction here. Things that should not be posted: Stories that you did not write yourself; Stories that appear in a paper zine currently still in print except by special arrangement with the publisher; Stories you ever hope to have appear in a paper zine.
What should be posted: Final draft versions of stories; (humorous stories very welcome) News of interest to the various fandoms; Show profiles. If there is enough demand we will have a crossover division.
Submit stories via email as attachments to: Put the name of the fandom in the subject line so it can be directed to the correct editor. Be sure to include the name you want to appear as a by line and tell us if you can recieve personal email at your address so we can link accordingly. If you use a pen name and do not want your true identity known, emailed LOCs will be sent to us and then forwarded to you. If you can not do attachments email us for further instructions.
Highlighted show titles have stories currently in place. Writers need feedback so please take the time to email them with comments or constructive critisism. You may also email the General Staff with questions or comments.
We are still working on the site.
All the following stories are amatuer fan stories written by and for those who love these shows and movies. No copyright infringement is intended. The individual stories belong to the writers and may not be redistributed in any fashion without the expressed consent of that writer. This site copyrighted by Woods*Works Webs. Jane Woods site administrator.
News, Reference & Related Links Fanzines Actors' Gallery
Welcome to the trenches.
Garrison's Gorillas | Rat Patrol | Wackiest Ship in the Army | Combat | Hogan's Heroes | |
Black Sheep
Squadron |
Operation Petticoat | Twelve O'Clock High | Tales of the Gold Monkey | Jerico | Assorted WW II Movies |
If you don't see your favorite WW II fandom here, send us a story
and we'll be happy to add it.
Attention Fanzine collectors!
Please help us out by taking a survey.
Click on the filing cabinet to find the survey
Save the survey to your word processor, fill it out when you get a chance and email it back to:
Thanks for your help.
Page updated 7/11/98
Garrison's Gorillas story added
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Garrison's Gorillas Web|Garrison's Gorillas Notebook
If you have a related site we would love to trade links.
Animated Gif Archive Wizard of Draws
Title graphic by Amanda Woods