This is my homepage: |
if you don't like it, get tha hell out! |
This is a new picture of me, I figured I may as well post it, even though it isn't all that great. Stay tuned and you never know when I could post some new pics of me. :o) |
At one time I had a very elaborate main page, but unfortuneately there was way too much damn Java on it for most any normal computer to run it without spazzing. So now I've been forced to downgrade to a rather basic, but functional main page. And I guess functionality is more important that the aescetics of it all, but I like things that look pretty :oÞ |
Last Updated March 30, 1999 at 4:41pm! |
If you want to learn more about me personally you can go HERE . |
If you want to see some pics of some of my friends, I have a little collection HERE. But unfortuneately I'm still working on this section, so it isn't done yet. *UPDATED* |
If you'd like to get to know me even better (or get to know not me) then go HERE to read about it. |
Eventually I'll have a list of Links for you to check out and a big collection of my personal poetry, but right now its time to leave. If you care you can come back later. |