The Goodies - "Earthanasia" in RealAudio

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The Real Audio file for the Earthanasia Episode of the comedy show "The Goodies" Version
1.4, last
revised on September 1997
Episode Synopsis:
It's Christmas time and world leaders in a vision to cure the world's
problems they have decided to blow the world up.
How are the Goodies going to spend their last minutes on Earth?
What has Tim been hiding under his Union Jack waistcoat?
We find out that Bill has been living a lie all these years, but what?
If you are a Nutscrape or Injurenet Explorer user, click with the right mouse button
on the links to
download the files to your hard drive or click with the left button to hear the samples
while online.
Earthanasia RealAudio file, the episode has been compressed with a 14.4
kbaud encoder, 100 megs down to 1.58Mb!!
Cor blimey whollop wehey!!
If you are hearing any clicking or any other audio nasties during playback
with RealAudio, try this:
1. Click on 'Stop'
2. Click on 'View' pull down menu.
3. Click on 'Preferences'
4. Click on 'Advanced'
5. Click on 'Use 8-bit Only'
6. Click on 'Okay'
You may find even on the fastest PC's that you are going to have to muck about
in preferences. The above steps fixed a problem of clicking on my
friend's P200.
Check out the very cool Goodies pages at:
Alison Bean's Goodies Fan Club Lotsa stuff there.
Collect the Earthanasia HTML telescript complete with telesnaps
Earthanasia the Goodies episode
Check out some other Goodies samples
Goodies samples in .wav and soon mpeg and .ra
* New * (July 97) Have a look at some pictures from some of the episodes.
Goodies pictures Pictures from several episodes and a preview
picture of the upcoming Goodies Theme Pack
* New * (September 97) Mpeg audio/video clip from "Football
Mock Advertisement Mock advertisement from the episode "Football
Crazy". 1.6 Megs, 22 seconds.
Cool Edit was the program I used to create the audio file. Its available
for various flavours of Windoze, it's only slightly crippled shareware.
It's available
Cool Edit
Syntrillium's Cool Edit, a brilliant sample editor.
What can't hear no sound? Probably means you haven't downloaded RealAudio
plugin for your web browser. Collect it at:
RealAudio, a plugin to hear .ra files with Nutscrape, Injurenet Explorer,
and probably other browsers.
- More Goodies samples in Realaudio and MPeg formats.
- Goodies Win95 theme pack. It's getting there. click
- An improved sound quality version of the Earthanasia sample.
- Mpeg video snippet from the LWT series. (Now
I find it pretty cool with current technology that is now available to us
to do something like this, making it easy to fit half an hour of audio into a two
meg file. I hope this idea spurs on others to create similar projects.
'Twas in the year of
when Brian
Adams was born, and his music has not got any fresher.
Feeling like a teapot? Bored as buggery? Thinking about doing a
transsrcipt but need audio and video? Email me:
Grayden Hanson.
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