Keegan-Hello Everyone

Keegan's Don Johnson Site

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updated 6/30/99


Hello. That's me, Keegan and I love Don Johnson. My momma got me interested in DJ when she would stay up late and watch Miami Vice on TV. I am only 6 years old so I missed MV when it first aired on NBC. Now my momma and I watch Nash Bridges on CBS. I can't wait for the new season to start. Please check out my DJ and Me page as well as my Miami Vice and Nash Bridges pages. Just click on the banner below and away you go.

don johnson menubanner

[Keegan's Miami Vice Page] [DJ and Me Page] [Keegan's Nash Bridges Page]


new! Please sign my new guestbook. If you signed before September 1998, I lost the file so please sign again. Also, if you were previously told you were on my update list, I lost that file also. Got to love technology! Please sign up for my new email list. I will mail out Web site updates for all 3 of my sites as well as new DJ, Miami Vice, and Nash Bridges information. Thanks for all the intrest.

STOP! Guestbook

Goto Guestbook Page


Keegan's Email List Page

email animation

Enjoy my pages and drop me a line if you like. I will respond to all notes as soon as I can.
Again Thanks for stopping by.
Always - Keegan.


If you have a DJ related page click here and be added to my links page.

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Copyright 1997/1998/1999/2000/2001/2002/2003 Keegan Inc.--- Credits page will be updated soon. If you feel your site should be on this list email me.

This site is in no way associated with Don Johnson, Nash Bridges, or Miami Vice. This site is only for my personal enjoyment and the entertainment of others. Any copyright infringements is unintentional, please email the above address and any illegal presentation within this site will be removed.

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