last updated: Wednesday July 2, 1997
The Beavis and Butthead Guestbook has been canceled due to certain idiots thinking that they would like to try out "bad words" that they just learned. I'm sorry that a few buttmunches have to ruin it for everyone but welcome to the anonymity of the internet. Enjoy your stay. =:p~
What I think about Mike Judge
I get alot of weird email
If you have a Beavis and Butthead site that you would like to submit to be linked here on the Beavis and Butthead Bunghole Consortium, email me at with your submission.
Sleazy's Beavis and Butthead Page--3 heads
Good place to find any sounds, pictures, or movies that you may be looking for.
Anton's Beavis and Butthead Page--2 1/2 heads
Some sounds, movies, and pickup lines. Decent organization.
Temkin's Beavis and Butthead Page--1 head
Some sounds and pics but the page layout is horrible and the image file sizes
are way to big so it takes forever to download.
"The Best of Beavis and Butthead Links page"--1 head
Has a few Beavis and Butthead links. Yay.
Beavis sound clips--1 1/2 heads
No graphics, no design, and no appeal. It does have quite a few Beavis .AU and
.WAV's though.
Beavis and Butthead Episode Guide--3 heads
Contains summeries of all Beavis and Butthead Episodes.
Beavis and Butthead FTP site--3 heads
Not bad for an FTP site. No graphics but contains some good pics and lotsa sounds.
Dave's Beavis and Butthead Sounds--1 head
No graphics, no layout, no fun. Has about 20 sounds. A very minimalist approach.
Another Beavis and Butthead sounds page--1 head
No graphics and no "zing!". Contains about 30 sounds.
More B & B sounds--1/2 head
Very minimal graphics and layout. Has about 9 sounds in .AU format. Yawn.
The Cornholio script--2 heads
Very little graphics, and what graphics are there are of a very
poor quality. The only reason this site gets 2 heads is because it contains the
full Cornholio script which is still the greatest episode currently in existance.
The Beavis & Butthead Connection--2 heads
This site has some pics and sounds. Other than that it's quite standard.
Beavis and Butthead Link List--3 heads
This site has many, many links. All of which are nicely organized with a short
summary of what's on each page. They could use a new background though. =:p~
Astrocreep Page-Metallica--2 1/2 heads
The limited graphics are a little better than others but the content is restricted to
sounds. Quite a few sounds but only sounds.
BeaviS and ButtheaD--2 1/2 heads
Alot more graphics than other pages but most appear just to be taken from
somewhere else. This page's content is just some B&B links with alot of large
graphics scattered around. Would've been 3 heads if it wasn't for the long
download time and for the excessive use of animated gifs.
MTVonline: Beavis and Butthead-Video--2 1/2 heads
It's a site run by MTV so you know it's going to be fairly decent. This is just
a page full of video clips, (probably somewhere around 20-30) so if you're looking
for somewhere to get some moving pictures, this is the place to go. Unfortunately
the graphics are virtually nonexistant and the background is completely disgusting
and hard to read over.
The ButtZone--3 heads
Graphics/Layout is basically stuff taken from somewhere else (case in point:
my background on his "pictures" and "sounds"
page!) This site does have alot of pictures and
sounds though. And I mean, ALOT (a huge, long list of links). Unfortunately the
links to sounds and pictures are external (meaning that he does not keep all of
the files on his database, he is just making a link to sounds and
pictures on other peoples databases) and most of the links are made
to a server which is down. But a little searching will reveal active links which
should work.
Beavis and Butthead
Ate My Balls--1/2 head
Graphics/Layout could be better. Much much much better. All the images on the
page look like they were composed with some cheap shareware graphics editing
utility though. Content is incredibly dull, irritating, and otherwise
disgusting...all you Beavis and Butthead fans from White Trash USA will probably
love it though. The half a Beavis head is awarded solely because the poor guy is
trying something semi original and different. Go see this site so you know what
not to do when creating the content for your B and B site.
Some more sites coming soon...
Download a .WAV sound of Beavis saying
"LIAR!LIAR!"... (130k)
Most graphics on this page were created by Shane Rebenschied at munkypuppet@geocities.comAnyone who would like to use graphics displayed on this page must first gain permission from the artist. Thanx.