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Welcome to Angelus' Buffy The Vampire Slayer Homepage. My name is Angelus (Angel),
I've fought along the slayer, even though I am a vampire. Many years ago,
a curse was put on me. The curse gave me back the soul I had lost when
I had become a vampire. I now saw all the evil, and horrible things
I had done. When Buffy moved here, I immediately fell for her, though it could never be.
On this page, you will find pictures of the different characters from all the episodes, fanfic, and an episode guide. Come back again, since this page will be constantly updated. If you have any comments or questions, you can e-mail me at I've recieved numerous messages, asking me wheather I am the actual actor who plays Angel on the show. No I am not the actor who plays Angel, nor do I have any connections to the show except for being a fan.
I've just added a new chat room to this page. To try to get this new chat off the ground, I ask anyone who views my page to come on the chat at 7:00 pm (Eastern),
on any day of the week. This way, You could meet other buffy fans, make some new friends, or get answers to questions you have about the show. I will schedule other times when I will
be able to attend the chat.
Please if you are in the chat, do not pretend to be one of the actors or actresses who play on the show. If I can arrange for one of them to be here I will make a big announcement of it. Also, someone came on the chat claiming to be me, and began to swear at everyone. That wasn't me, and if you ever want prove of ownership of the page, just ask the person to change something small about the page, only I will be able to do that. Finally, on Sunday November 30th, two people came in the chat, who claimed they were David and Sarah, I know nothing about this, and I highly doubt it.
I would like to add a new fanfic section to my page. If anyone has written any, I would be happy to post it on my page. Please send it to the e-mail adress above.
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