If you have a Days of Our Lives page of your own and it exhibits creativity,
join The Salem Circle Webring. Your site will gain exposure and you'll be linked to
other one-of-a-kind Days pages. Let me know if you'd like more information about joining.
Daily Summaries, courtesy Dustin
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday
Daily Visitors ...check here for today's updated links.
Days News ...the latest news on Days & the cast.
My Thoughts ...where I vent and offer my random opinions
on the current storylines.
Storyline Spoilers ...courtesy Dustin
This Week's Spoilers ...short forecast of what's to come this week.
Next Week's Spoilers ...short forecast of what's to come next week.
Rumors ...find out what everyone's saying about the Days
cast and the characters they play, including rumored storyline spoilers.
The Chatterbox ...comings and goings, who's getting the boot
and other silly gossipy chatter.
Upcoming Must-See Episodes ...now you know when to alert your vcr
for those episodes which simply cannot be missed.
My Favorite Days Links ...Days links that are worth your
while to visit. Including newsletters.
Credits ...recognition of those who have contributed to this page.
Contract Status on Days Stars ...find out just how long the cast has signed on for.
Cast Member Appearances ...where and when you can catch up
with Days cast members in person.
Complete Cast List ...the names, birthdays and hometowns
of all the cast members.
Cast Bios ...from NBC. what they did pre-Days,
who they date and stuff like that.
Jensen Ackles Interview ...an interview courtesy Silvia.
photos included.
Chat Transcripts
Jensen Ackles | Eileen Davidson | Roark Critchlow | Austin Peck | Renee Jones and James Reynolds |
Jason Brooks, Stephanie Cameron and Mark Valley | Louise Sorel and Joseph Mascolo | Deidre Hall |
Christie Clark, Bryan Dattilo, Austin Peck, and Alison Sweeney
Our Favorite Days Couples ...a small gallery of photos.
Birthdays and Anniversaries of Salem Residents ...when they were born
(though some are questionable, like Hope) and when they got hitched.
Contests and Give-aways ...chances for soap fans to get free stuff.
The Salem Legend ...I found dirt on our beloved Salemites
from way back when.
The Salem Witch Trials ...this Salem has witch trials too, you know.
Strange Facts About the Days Cast
...things you never really cared to know about the cast members.
read at your own risk.
Do You Ever Wonder... ...questions with absolutely no logical answers.
Lyn's Character Diaries ...Lyn's got her hands on the diaries
of some very disturbed Salem residents.
Dear Doc ...Dr. Evans is now doing on-line sessions,
so ask her anything that's on your mind.
Obsessed Fan Quiz ...find out if you're an obsessed fan.
Fan Stories ...readers talk about their close encounters with the stars of Days.
Days of Our Lives Fan Club
3000 N. Alameda Avenue
Burbank, CA 91523
Days Tape Trade
This is something new I'm trying out. I'm currently working on a better way to do this. If you're looking for Days
episodes on tape submit your requests below. You can also find out what others are looking for.
submit your request | view the requests
Good Links ...great non-Days links, including some other soap sites.
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