The Princess of Venus

The Princess of Venus
A Sailor Venus~Syz Shrine
Hi this is Mara talking! I'll be gone for college soon, so there won't be any more updates untill December 1997. Then I'll add more pics, more animated gifs, more stories to my Sailor Venus page, and a list of episodes with pics and summaries, and everything on my X-Files page. Now enjoy my page...
Hi there! Yes you, , the reader of this homepage! I am Joamara Rivera. My home is in Puerto Rico, a little island in the Caribbean. I like many things, especially Sailor Moon and The X-Files. That is exactlly what this homepage is all about!
Now, don't be impacient like puppy here. (By the way, I adore dogs!) My pages are highly graphical (what is a page without pictures?!) and they take a little while to download.
Visit my Sailor Venus Shrine
Visit my X-Files Site

This is my guardian angel. He guards this page as well as my life. If you want a guardian angel just click on the image.

My Beautiful Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is an island of inmense beauty. That is the reason why many people call it La isla del Encanto, The island of enchantment. We have an inmense combination of colors in a small portion of land. From rainforests to desserts, we cover every kind of excitement!

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visit my other homepage!
check out Zoicite!
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In case you want to know, you are the lucky person #
to view this page since 7/21/1997!

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