The Cascade Junkyard

To all the ones that still come to our page filled with hope.
I'm sorry to announce that this site will remain in its sorrowful state until at least the middle of July, when I (Darknyss) will finally have a computer and will restart this page.Also, our neighbourhood will then be equipped with internet-access via cable which is a lot cheaper then via the phone. Treeflame is equally sorry to announce that due to a lot of work on her thesis (no, it's not about sentinels) she'll possibly withdraw completely from the sentinel-scene. I will dearly miss her.
Come july, I can promise a complete overhaul of our page; it will the meld with Sirrah's page and contain slash and gen stories of the Sentinel, Hercules, Young Hercules, etc., quotes, funny quotes and a lot more.

Please, bear with me trough this difficult, internet-free times.

Thanks for the patience and loyalty,

This page is still under some construction, but it's getting better. We've lost just a few workers in the dark corners of our site. Poor things.!!
My friend Treeflame and I have combined our twisted little minds to write some fanfic and the results are insane.

Don't flame us if the fanfic is not true to our boys, we just see them that way and had lots of fun writing it.

Ok, what do we have so far?
There are now three stories out there for you guys to read. Yes I promised some more stories, but they're taking longer then expected. I (Darknyss) am torturing Treeflame into finishing the story she's been writing for six months. The Sentinel/ER-crossover only needs a few more scenes. For more stories we'll have to see, but Treeflame has announced that once her story is finished she'll take a break to devote herself to her schoolwork. Me, I'm as free as a bird, but my brain is locked in a writer's block.
The quotes have been updated and go until Blind Man's Bluff (garage-scene included) They will be updated as soon as possible.
Have even more fun while watching the Sentinel...try our drinking-game. We did...
The introduction-page is still out there, too and check out the awesome links-page.
Sirrah has updated her page with the beginning of a new obsession and she's getting over her writer's-block!(CHEER! CHEER!)Her writings are a bit more frequent then ours, she has promised me a shitload of new stories and a new obsession: Due South. So, be prepared.



Check out our first story!

This is a mans world

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Johnny... Wait... that's not right... Let's make that... our second story!!!!

Things to do in Cascade when you're dead

Unbelievable but true....story number three!!!

Shapes in the dark


Quotes Second Season


Pictures part 2

Pictures of HUNKS!!!

Ten ways to get rid of Maya

The Drinking Game


You might want to check out some slashy fanfic our friend Sirrah wrote
Sirrah's pageSMALL UPDATE!

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