Satellite TV

The "Other" Way to Surf!


4DTV Reciever

11-20-97 - 4DTV UPDATE!
Software download starts at 2:00am. Make sure receiver is turned off.

    Welcome to the SATELITEMAN'S home page! With the explosion of the "18 Digital Satellite Systems (DSS), I thought I would, to the best of my ability, try to explain the differance between a "Full Veiw-C Band" satellite system (the BIG dish), and the "18in DSS" (the LITTLE dish), satellite system.

    Check back SOON!....

The Satellite Man's
Trouble Shooter!
    Do you have a "satellite" related question or problem? Feel free to submit it below. I will be happy to try and answer your question. My specialty is C-Band "Full View" systems. (The BIG Dish)... Be sure to include the Make and Model# of your reciever, size of your dish, your location (at least within a state or two), and anything else that relates to your question. It might take a day or two to reply, but I do answer all mail! (even if... GULP!...I don't know the answer.)

Please tell me your name:

(Do not hit return)


(A must have if you want an answer!)

* Post Your Satellite Questions Here!

DISCLAIMER!: Not Responsable for any Damage,Injury,or Expenses, resulting from
the information recieved from the Satellite Man's Trouble Shooter.

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