Welcome to our page! This page is dedicated to our favorite cartoon.
Since we couldn't find much on the Web about Ickis, Oblina and Krumm; my little monsters
(Tracy, Chrissy and Danielle) and I decided we should put up a page for them. So, here it is!

| About | When is it on? | Monster Links | Creators & Actors | The Characters |
|Episode Guide | Pictures | Sounds | Disclaimer | Guestbook |


To the unsuspecting eye, it may look like just a dump, but underneath this dump lurks a world of...
Ickis, Oblina and Krumm are three of the monsters-in-training at the "Monster Academy". They are at the Academy to learn the art of scaring. This is not an easy task for them because they are adolescents, and therefore are prone to getting into all kinds of trouble. The headmaster of the Academy is the Gromble. The Gromble is determined to make all of his little monster charges into the most terrifying creatures of the night. The Gromble is helped along with this task by Snorch and Zimbo, who dole out the punishment at the Academy. Even though Ickis, Oblina and Krumm are always getting themselves into trouble, the three of them always survive their adventures by sticking together, and have a monsterously good time in the process.

When is it on?

is not on Nickelodeon any longer. Write to Nickelodeon asking that they start running episodes again, and maybe they will if enough fans request them to bring it back. Write Nick
Stay tuned...

Other "Aaahh!!! Real Monsters" Links

KLASKY CSUPO, INC. - Creators of AAAHH!!! Real Monsters

Who created this "Nick Toon"?

AAAHH!!! Real Monsters was created by Gabor Csupo and Peter Gaffney.
It premiered on Nickelodeon in the Fall of 1993.

Who does the voices for Ickis, Oblina & Krumm?

    Ickis - Charles Adler
    Krumm - David Eccles
    Oblina - Christine Cavanaugh
    The Gromble - Gregg Berger
    Zimbo - Tim Curry


AAAHH!!! Real Monsters is a Klasky-Csupo production in association with Nickelodeon. All characters, concepts and captured media are © Nickelodeon/Viacom.

If you find any errors, or have any suggestions, please email me. Thanks!

Last updated: July 8, 2003

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