In the hopes that one person will leave here smiling,
I am proud to present the
Sesame Street Sounds Archive
This page is a small corner of The Sesame Street Lyrics Archive, where you'll find the lyrics to over 200 classic songs, as well as the song bytes linked below.
This page represents a collection of sounds from my kid's favorite TV show, Sesame Street. Some songs, but mostly
ones you may want to use with your computer's various functions. Some may simply make you smile at a memory. Either way, I hope you find something here to amuse you. The files are presented here in .wav format and zipped up to save precious space.
Visit here for a zip program
None of this would be possible without my knight in shining armour, Mr. Halloween.
If I could link to him, I would, but I respect his anonymity.
Due to our arrangement, I can't promise to answer requests, sorry.
Hang onto your modems people, heeeere we go!
Here Fishee! Ernie: "Heeeere fishee, fishee, FISHEE!" 31K
How Do You Do That? Bert: "Yeah yeah, how do you do that? Yeah yeah." 16K
Learned A Lesson Bert: "I guess we learned our lesson huh?!" 20K
Nothing In Common Bert: "Well, I was sitting here thinking, if I said hello to you, it would turn out we had nothing in common, ha!" 45K
Oatmeal Please? Bert: "I don't suppose I could get a bowl of oatmeal could I?" 24K
Oatmeal's My Favorite Bert: "Like it? Ha, oatmeal is the greatest food on earth, it's my all-time favorite!" 42K
Ready? Ernie: "Are ya ready Bert?" Bert: "Huh?" Ernie: "I say, are ya ready Bert?" 18K
Surprise Ernie: "Hey Bert! I brought home a surprise Bert!" 17K
Wrong Bert: "Boy, was I ever wrong!" 13K
Yell Ernie: "So you have to yell just like you're yelling right now." 19K
Careful Slimey "Well, uhhh, I guess it's okay, careful Slimey." 31K
Get Back "Hey get back, get back!" 14K
Grumbles Oscar's usual sounds of general disgust 43K
Join 'Em "Oh well, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em!" 21K
Leave Me Alone "Sing this, leave me alooone!" 20K
Monster "I've created a monster!" 14K
Nice-Nice "Yeah, oh goodie, a whole afternoon of nice-nice." 25K
No Baby Near My Worm "Hey now, I don't want that baby near my worm!" 22K
Not So Bad "Say, maybe this won't be so bad after all." includes part of closing music 25K
Play Day's Over "This play day is definately over!" 18K
Stop "No, no, stop, stop, no more trying!" 27K
Stop This "Now stop this, I hate seeing you have a great time!" 28K
Breathing "Not so tight, breathing is important to me!" 20K
Customer "Oh well, the customer is always right." 15K
Employee "I thought he was a wonderful employee for that, ha." 18K
Feel Better "Does that make you feel better?" 10K
Hold It "Hold it, wait a minute!" 30K
How Do You Know? "How do YOU know?" 17K
Love "Oh I guess this must be love." 20K
Naked "HE, now, may not be embarassed, because he is, ahh, naked, but *I* will be." 50K
No Clothes On "You have no clothes on, and no clothes on means you'll be very embarassed." 57K
Not A Good Idea "Oh no sir, I do not think that is a good idea." 13K
Show You "Now, what might I show you sir?" 17K
Spiffy "Well, I am many things to many people, and now today, at this moment, I am here to sell you some new clothes to make you look highly spiffy!" 62K
Thank You "Thank you for your help." 9K
Under Pressure "I do not function well under pressure!" 25K
Your Old Pal "Hello everybodeee! This is your old pal Grover." 42K
Coming Soon Big Bird's closing comment: "Coming soon on Sesame Street!" 35K
Dances With Wolves Opening of Monsterpiece Theatre's production of "Dances With Wolves", best part is Cookie Monster's saying "Lots of action, lots of excitement, lots of BUFFALOS!" 168K
Faster Jason Alexander & Big Bird: Jason wants the game played faster 63K
Grown Up Stuff Jason Alexander: "It's grown-up stuff, a little too complicated to explain." 27K
Inner Child Jason Alexander: "I'm just a little too in touch with my inner child." 24K
Monster On The Spot Telly: "This is your monster on the spot, returning you to your regularly scheduled program." 60K
Monsterpiece Theatre Partial theme from "Monsterpiece Theatre" with Cookie's "Good evening and welcome to Monsterpiece Theatre." 66K
Sesame Street News Opening with music and Kermit's introduction 105K
Take Care Cookie Monster: "Well, that take care of that." 12K
Terrific Kermit: "Okay, well, that's terrific." 21K
Toodleoo Big Bird (from closing credits): "Toodleoo!" 20K
C Is For Cookie 280K Lyrics
Captain Vegetable 77K Lyrics
Cookie Disco 236K Lyrics
Dee Dee Dee 315K Lyrics
Do De Rubber Duck 320K Lyrics
Fur 298K Lyrics
I Don't Want To Live On The Moon 312K Lyrics
If I Were 315K Lyrics
If Moon Was Cookie 282K Lyrics
Lambaba 335K Lyrics
Mahna Mahna - Kermit from "The Muppet Show" 160 K Lyrics
Sesame Street Theme 240K Lyrics
Teeny Little Super Guy 140K Lyrics
Yip Yip Family 305K Lyrics

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Last updated April 9, 1997
"Sesame Street" and the muppets themselves are owned by Jim Henson Productions, and I am in no way affiliated with this fine organization, just a humble and appreciative fan of the joy and comfort they continue to bring.