The Kamar de los Reyes Page

A site dedicated to the talented actor, who formerly played Antonio Vega on One Life To Live and Father Tomas on Four Corners

Kamar portrayed Father Tomas Alvarez on the 1997 CBS drama FOUR CORNERS. Click on the buttons below for more information about this role of Kamar's.

Kamar portrayed the role of Antonio Vega on ABC's One Life To Live from 1995 to 1997. He became very well known for this role, and won the hearts of fan fans and critics alike. Kamar's character of Antonio was one half of the unforgetable OLTL supercouple Andy(Wendee Pratt) and Antonio. Antonio was written off OLTL when Kamar chose to leave the show in August of 1997, by marrying Andy Harrison and leaving for law school in California. For more information on Andy and Antonio, check out A-Team Online

Welcome to the Kamar de los Reyes page. I finally have it back up and running again after my mishap with yet again deleting the index. I came to love Kamar's performances as Antonio Vega on One Life To Live from 1995 to 1997. This page will continue to keep you udpated on Kamar and his career, as an up and coming actor.

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The counter had to reset, but I think there were approximately 7000, hits on it before, so that's what I set it as!

This page was last updated 11/20/98 with new news about what seems to be a recurring role for Kamar on the CBS series, "PROMISED LAND"! Click on the KAMAR NEWS AND UPDATES button above for more details.

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