A WebRing is a way to group sites of similar interest together in
a "Ring." Links on each page in the ring allow you to move
from one site to the next, eventually traveling the entire Ring to end
up where you started.
This WebRing groups together sites dedicated to the Australian cult
television series Prisoner: Cell Block H.
If you're the creator of a Prisoner: Cell Block H web site
and want to increase traffic to it, then this web ring is for you!
In order to join the PCBH WebRing you need to be logged in to your
WebRing USER ID (if you don't already have a WebRing USER ID you
will be asked to sign up for one) and to fill out and submit the ring application.
If your site is accepted all you have to do then is to add the PCBH
WebRing Navigation bar code to the start page of your site.
If you have any questions please contact the RingMaster at: