The Basement Office of Agent C. Couver
Welcome to the office of Special Agent C. Couver.

Some personal news....
Personal news of the week of 4/9/06....
(1) Guess what.... I GOT AN AWARD FOR MY FRATERNITY!!!! I got the award for best pledge for 2005-2006! :D I can't believe that I actually got the award cause I was totally convinced that I wouldn't get it. The awards were given out at the annual formal which was on Friday night... oh it was so much fun. (see below for pics)
(2) Since I got the award, I'm still going to be as active as I can in my fraternity Phi Delta Chi and in fact I'm going on a regional conference in Tulsa, OK in April which should be fun. Perhaps I'll run into the same folks I met at the retreat back in January. :)
(3) Phew... that was long (Sorry about that)... Anyways, another bit of personal news, here are the pics
of my one and only tattoo.
My tattoo.
(3) Also, I have posted some of the poems I have written. :) Bet you didn't know I was a poet, did ya. hehehe. :) Enjoy.
My poems!

Now here are some lovely pictures of our favorite "FBI agents". I know the show ended back in 2002 but I can't seem to remove the pictures. Even though I don't watch it anymore, I am still going to keep the pictures up so there!... LOL

Here's one of my favorite pictures that I have found of Gillian Anderson. (btw I am female. I am just a big fan of hers).

Here's a lovely picture but it's of Stan Kirsch during his appearance on JAG. I know that the pic quality isn't great but admit it; he looks great in a uniform! ;)
Now for a lovely photo of Chris O'donnell. ;) Quit your drooling or your keyboard will short out! :D

Now for some personal stuff. :) For one, I am a big time cat lover. :) So here's a pic of two of my kitties that live with my parents.
The one on the left is Tippy and the one on the right is Sampson. Sadly, Tippy is no longer with us.
:~( She was a wonderful cat and will be tearfully missed.

Here are two kitties that my sister and I adopted, Noah and Chloe, another cat that I adopted (her name is Hannah), and yet another cat that my sister bought for her now ex-husband (his name is Jonah). AREN'T THEY CUTE!?!?!

Now we have an addition to the family (but she now lives with her "daddy" since my sister and her husband are divorced). A beautiful dog named Gracie. :D We think is maybe a Rottie/Shephard mix but we're not sure. She's a darling though isn't she. ;) She so spoiled now that she lives with her "daddy".. LOL

I am also a big fan of the Baltimore Orioles. I'm originally from that area.


And now for the picture that I'm sure a lot of you will enjoy. :) It's a picture of me and the rest of the bridal party from my best friend's wedding on May 23rd, 1998 (well, she's actually divorced now - go figure). I'm the 3rd one from the right.

Yes, I know we look like the mafia but hey, admit it's an awesome photograph.
If you want to see more of the wedding pictures, just click on photo above.
I have more pics to put up as soon as I get them scanned. I know I have promised to update this page but sadly, I've been extremely busy. I will try to get them up eventually.
Links to other cool sites on the Web
A collection of X-Files fan fiction stories. (Yeah I know the show ended but the stories are still cool to read)
This is a link to the most wonderful German delicatessen EVER! Meyer's Deli in Chicago, Illinois. I especially recommend their Hausmacher Mit Speck (liverwurst with onions). YUMM!
For those of you La Femme Nikita fans (is that show still on?), this page is for you. It's a gift from Oreo Girl. :D
My friend, Mel's, web page! Check out all the cool links she has!
All you needed to know about the CBS TV series, JAG! (Yet another show that's sad)
This is the X-Files main page. There are lots of fun stuff here. Just check it out. :)
Here is a link to my favorite late night talk show host. Jay Leno!!! Check out his Headlines.
A link to my friend Punky's (aka Becky) web page. :)
Lastly, the quote of the week.
"People won't care how much you know until they know how much you care." (not sure who said that... I just have to know it for pharmacy school... LOL)
Comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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