007 -James Bond, | 240 Robert | Action Jackson | Popeye (oops out of order) |
Adam 12 | Adams Family | Annie Oakley | Atom Ant |
Batman and Robin | Beatles | Beverly Hillbillies | Bonanza |
Boston Bruins(hockey) | Brady Bunch | Brave Eagle | Bullwinkle and Rocky |
Captian Astro | Cartoon Zoo | Colonel...Space Explorer | Daniel Boone |
Davy Crocket | Dick Tracy | Dr Suess | Dudley Dooright |
Early West | Empire Strikes Back | Family Affair | Flintstones |
Flipper | Flying Nun | Fritos | Frontier Days |
Gi Joe (1967 only) | Gene Autry | Gentle Ben | Get Smart |
Gomer Pyle | Green Hornet | Guns of Will Sonet | Gunsmoke |
Happy Days | Hardy Boys | HeeHaw | Hopalong Cassidy |
Howdy Doody | Huckelberry Hound | Jet Patrol | Frosted Flakes |
King Kong | Kiss | Land of the Giants | Land of the Lost |
Lance Link | Laugh-in | Lawman | Little House on Prairie |
Lone Ranger (b4 1980) | Loonie Tunes | Ludwig Van Drake | Man from Uncle |
Mickey Mouse (1954) | The Monroes | Munsters | Nancy Drew |
Our Friends | Palladin | Partridge Family | Pele |
PeterPan | Peanut butter Sandwich | Planet of Apes | Rat Patrol |
Return of Jedi | Rifleman | Roy Rogers | Smokey the Bear |
Smurfs | Star Wars | Steve Canyon | Supercar |
Superman | Tarzan | Space Cadet | Toppie the Elephant |
Trigger | Underdog | US Space Corps | V |
Voyage to Bot of Sea | Wagon Train | Waltons | Washington Redskins |
Wild Bill Hickock | Wild Wild West | Winnie the Poo | Woody Woodpecker |
Yellow Submarine | Yogi Bear | Zorro |