Pak-Rat of MN

Collector of Children's Lunchboxes (especially TV related and science fiction ones) and Little House on the Prairie collectibles -items from books or the TV show



Lunch boxes/thermoses:

I mostly like metal or vinyl (not hard but soft plastic) early 60s and 70s tv and space related as well as westerns. Most desired are: Tommy Corbet Space Cadet, Star Trek dome, Disney firefighters dome, Lost in Space dome, Star Trek dome, Underdog, Jetsons dome to list just a few. Dome ones especially (if there are recognizable pictures on them). Some specific square metal ones to look for are alphabetically:
007 -James Bond, 240 Robert Action Jackson Popeye (oops out of order)
Adam 12 Adams Family Annie Oakley Atom Ant
Batman and Robin Beatles Beverly Hillbillies Bonanza
Boston Bruins(hockey) Brady Bunch Brave Eagle Bullwinkle and Rocky
Captian Astro Cartoon Zoo Colonel...Space Explorer Daniel Boone
Davy Crocket Dick Tracy Dr Suess Dudley Dooright
Early West Empire Strikes Back Family Affair Flintstones
Flipper Flying Nun Fritos Frontier Days
Gi Joe (1967 only) Gene Autry Gentle Ben Get Smart
Gomer Pyle Green Hornet Guns of Will Sonet Gunsmoke
Happy Days Hardy Boys HeeHaw Hopalong Cassidy
Howdy Doody Huckelberry Hound Jet Patrol Frosted Flakes
King Kong Kiss Land of the Giants Land of the Lost
Lance Link Laugh-in Lawman Little House on Prairie
Lone Ranger (b4 1980) Loonie Tunes Ludwig Van Drake Man from Uncle
Mickey Mouse (1954) The Monroes Munsters Nancy Drew
Our Friends Palladin Partridge Family Pele
PeterPan Peanut butter Sandwich Planet of Apes Rat Patrol
Return of Jedi Rifleman Roy Rogers Smokey the Bear
Smurfs Star Wars Steve Canyon Supercar
Superman Tarzan Space Cadet Toppie the Elephant
Trigger Underdog US Space Corps V
Voyage to Bot of Sea Wagon Train Waltons Washington Redskins
Wild Bill Hickock Wild Wild West Winnie the Poo Woody Woodpecker
Yellow Submarine Yogi Bear Zorro

Domes mentioned above and really any good condition dome with pictures on it (metal of course)
Condition: on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being perfect-perfect-perfect I mainly want 7s or better. This can best be described as hardly any rust if any, hardly any dents if any, hardly any large gouges or scratches if any, hardly any permanent marker or if there is some its hopefully on the inside. Overall the box must be very displayable.

Little House on Prairie:

Colorforms, 1st Edition hardcover books(illustrator is NOT Garth Williams), Golden Book, Small dolls mint in boxes, mint or near mint Halloween costumes of any of the characters, Autographs, Photos, TV guides with Little House on Cover, mint board game, mint metal lunch box with thermos (never saw a plastic one), and anything else (is there anything else? let me know of anything else even if you don't have it - I would like to know what else is out there).
1970s Tv collectibles

Although I may not pay too much I am also interested in items from 70s tv. Bewitched, Gilligans Island, Wonderwoman, Batman, Partridge Family, Waltons, Lassie, Flipper, Andy Griffith, etc.


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