1/20/2004 This site will be the process of moving to captchipmunk. The Chipmunk Palace to make easiler as a member friendly site. All members please update your membership to the yahoo group site. I will be setting up the site within the next few weeks with graphics and information. The site operation will be the same except that the member would more involved.Thanks for your undstanding and patience. Sorry for the delay in updating the site. I have been very very busy.

Totally Awesome! Site of the Day for January 13, 1998
8 Year Annirversary !!!
Febraury 23rd.

Thank you all for your support.

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook

2/19/2005: This site has reformated to handle all large file from The Chipmunk Palace on Yahoo.

Chipmunk Images for downloading(not yet setup).

Chipmunk Music for download (not yet setup).

Large Research Chipmunk Music for download (not yet setup).

2/20/2005: I'm working on the coding now. This should be done shortly

Any suggestions or information sent to me by E-Mail will be highly appreciated.

Ring Aroung The Collar--The Demented Music Web Ring is owned by
Chris Waffle.

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Created by
Phinner and maintained by The Chipmunk Palace
Last updated: 20 February 2005