Click here to subscribe to Gracie's Safe Harbor's
Fundraising Newsletter for Shelters & Rescues
You'll find a great deal more here as well, including links to national animal welfare and animal rights organizations, veterinary resources and links to shelters and rescues across the country.Legislative Updates From The Animal Protection Institute-click each link below for a summary of proposed federal legislation, a sample letter to e-mail, and a state by state listing of elected representatives in Washington. Just cut and paste the letters and your representatives' e-mail addresses and send! In just a couple of minutes, you can make your voice heard.
In The House of Representatives
In The Senate
Mississippi,Missouri,Montana,Nebraska,Nevada,NewHampshire,NewJersey,New Mexico,NewYork,North Carolina,NorthDakota,Ohio,Oklahoma,Oregon,Pennsylvania,RhodeIsland,South Carolina
Addressing Abuse & Cruelty Issues
Legal Affairs/ Legal Assistance
Online Libraries, Magazines & Journals
Companion Animal Health and Diagnostic Resources
Animal Welfare and Animal Rights Organizations
For all of the animals you'll help,
a most sincere
Thank you.
This is my Safe Harbor
I'm Gracie, and I'm the reason this website was created.I spent over a year in an animal shelter before I was finally adopted.
While I was living there, I became seriously ill, and it got to the point where my mouth became much too painful for me to eat anything at all, even soft food - so much so that I actually became afraid of food and stopped eating. I lost about half my body weight and I got very, very weak. A lady saw how sick I was, so she and Phil Pass from arranged for my adoption. Before I knew it, Dr. Garibaldi was taking me out of my carrier and I was being worked on by the wonderful, compassionate vets and veterinary technicians at the East Brunswick Animal Hospital in New Jersey. They saved my life, and my quality of life, and I'm very grateful to them. They had to give me lots of different medicines, feed me with a syringe and rehydrate me every day at the hospital until I was strong enough to have the surgery I needed. They did a really great job. It's going to take a long time before I'm back to normal, or even close, but at least I know that it's going to happen. I'm gaining weight now, and I don't look like a victim anymore. And now, finally, I am safe, warm and loved. I'm definitely one of the lucky ones, but too many of us get left behind for good. Safe Harbor is for cats and dogs like me, who for one reason or another have been forgotten in well meaning shelters or who have found themselves in abusive or neglectful situations. And these pages are for you, so that you can help them.
On this site, you will find over 200 very useful resources, with many more being added daily. If you wish to recommend any we've missed, just e-mail me.Please take a look, recommend it to your friends and, if you like what you see, please place a link to us on your site.
For all of the animals you'll help,
a most sincere
Thank you.