Welcome to my Guestbook!

Vania - 12/10/98 20:57:48
My URL:/TelevisionCity/Stage/3867/monkeesmaniac.html
My Email:vaniag@aol.com
Favorite Monkee: PETER!!!

WOW! This is a great website! I love your pics, especially the ones of Peter! They are great and so unusual! I also liked your Monkees History. Keep up the great work! Vania my site: Peter Tork Gallery

PeaceChild13 - 12/10/98 02:19:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Backstage/5547/
My Email:JLWilson@aol.com
Favorite Monkee: MICKY!

Very Groovy Page! I noticed that you had signed me guestbook, so I wandered on over here! I was wondering if you'd let me steal the picture of Micky in his manly dress. I'm going to put a link to your page no matter what you say. (so just try to stop me) imme a holler!

Katie - 12/06/98 05:45:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~monkeedom/
My Email:DonovanFan@aol.com
Favorite Monkee: Mike

Hey, the email you gave for the Monkee Obsessed Ring doesn't exist so I'm signing the guestbook to tell you something about the ring code you have up! Just one thing before I can add you, remove the -- from the 88 on both links so it looks like: http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?ring=monkeedom;id=88;next

Thanks, Katie

Laurie - 12/03/98 21:05:15
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ny/MonkBeat/index.html
My Email:lcapani@juno.com
Favorite Monkee: Um... right now I guess it's Davy

Hi! I love your page! I don't know why I haven't seen it before, but I'll be adding your link onto my page soon. Seeya!

Salla Kannisto - 12/02/98 09:54:15
My URL:http://www.geocitis.com/Heartland/woods/1037
My Email:s_kannisto@geociites.com
Favorite Monkee: Mike Nesmith!

Päivää! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I like your pictures very much especially Mike's pictures!!! Keep up the good work and I wish you very peaceful and relaxing christmas holiday Wish: salla : )

Stacey - 11/29/98 22:29:12
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~redlored/_home
My Email:sprahl@suffolk.lib.ny.us
Favorite Monkee: Mike!!!!!!!!

Hi nice web page. Got to your page throught the alt.music.monkees newsgroup

Mickyfreak - 11/29/98 21:06:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Cabaret/8131
My Email:mickyfreak@hotmail.com
Favorite Monkee: Micky

Andrea~ Hi!! Thanks for coming to my page and signing my guestbook. I hope you can come to my other page. It's called Sara's Dolenz Tribute and the URL is http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/Studio/5081. Keep up the good work on the page! I luv it! I will li k it up on Wednesday. That's when I am doing 3 things(2 on 1 page and 1 on the other). Feel free to Email me anytime if you like to chat Monkees. Peace & Gleeb~* Mickyfreak

BigPeter - 11/29/98 19:07:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/sunsetstrip/pit/8236
My Email:Peterlvr@hotmail.com
Favorite Monkee: Peter is my man

Hey Andrea, thanxth for coming to my webpage. I love your piccys of Peter, and the screensaver rawks. Come back soon Monkeegal!;) -Jessie(BigPeter)

Aly - 11/24/98 20:12:35
My URL:http://www.ultranet.com/~steverob/alyson.htm
Favorite Monkee: Mike!!

Thanks for swinging by my page!! Oh my... your Mike pictures are swoon inducing. :) They are SO CUTE!!!! I love your page, you've done a great job!! Talk to you later!

Aaron Handy III - 11/24/98 18:16:34
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~ahiii/monkeesfilmTV.html
My Email:ah07@gnofn.org
Favorite Monkee: Undecided!


Hi, Andrea. Thanks for signing my guestbook. You've got a groovy lookin' Monkeesite yourself. I'd like you to add up some GIFs or JPEGs of the B&W stills from episodes of the TV show, as seen in the Monkees: A Manufactured Image and Monke mania books...I'm in dire need of many of them!!! Please get in touch with me on these via e-mail as soon as you read this message. And please put up a link for my site! (I have for yours.) Thanks for enjoying my site!

Denise - 11/23/98 18:28:51
My Email:lovedavy@webtv.net
Favorite Monkee: Davy

I really like your page, cant wait to see more of it, you keep up the good work too...Bye

Virginia Celadon - 11/22/98 06:03:43
My Email:tashina111@aol.com
Favorite Monkee: MICHAEL NESMITH!!!!!

I love your website! Very cool and love the pics! :)

KLIZ9 - 11/22/98 05:44:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~KLIZ9/index.html
My Email:kliz9@webtv.net
Favorite Monkee: Michael

What a cool page! Thanks for the Michael transcript!

cate andrew - 11/21/98 22:31:28
My Email:cateccrn@email.msn.com
Favorite Monkee: david

Hi Andi! Great new site. E-mail me please, I have'nt heard from you in so long! What's the news? Cate

Zulmira - 11/21/98 20:13:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/2336
My Email:zulmira@sol.com.br
Favorite Monkee: MickyMickyMickyMickyMicky!

This page is groovy! I loved the pictures! Thanks for Mike's chat transcription!

Rob Marshall - 11/15/98 06:15:50
My URL:http://home.earthlink.net/~kd4nvs/
My Email:kd4nvs@earthlink.net
Favorite Monkee: Nez

Site looks Cool

Shelby - 11/07/98 19:49:06
My Email:sr@tyler.net
Favorite Monkee: Micky!

Hiya! Awesome page! I love the pics of the guys! Keep it up =) Later! Shelby

Mary Ann Ford - 11/04/98 22:13:49
My Email:Mare55@aol.com
Favorite Monkee: Micky

Hi Andi! I like the pictures you chose for your page. Nice to see some different ones! Mare

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