First off allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tux, my real name is none of your business. I can be contacted my mailing to this address or by IRC chatting. To find me and all my buds on #x-men first you gotta have some software.
Infoseek (Just search for "IRC Software")
I can be found on the channel #x-men on the EfNet.
My nickname is Tux... type "/ctcp Tux userinfo" for the full
story on my nick.
Hey, you've met me lets meet my IRC
Check this out, my new #truth1 page
If you want to find out more about ME click
And now for the fun part... links!
Sailor Moon Links:
The Sailor Moon Nexus:
You want it, the nexus has got it. Sailor Moon everything!
The Sailor Moon Newsgroup: The
title says it all
The Monumental Sailor
Moon Picture Archive: This site is VERY popular, it's also VERY
hard to get into because there are so many users.
Help Save Our Sailors!!
If you need help with your Sailor Moon Pages, Click this
link or the picture above.
A really cool SM
Doom2 Wad file!
Stomped! The ultimate Quake Site!
Top 50
Reasons Why Quake is better then Duke3d (that's right you scummy
own Sailor Shrine
Sailor Moon Image Archive
Since I started this page, I have been invited to several Sailor Moon "rings". Go here to see all of my memberships.
So you like my Sailor Moon animations and wanna get some eh? Go here.
Wow! a new
stuff page! Projects include Virtual
Montreal and The
Great MIME Experiment
Ge here if you want to see my collection
of fiction
More new stuff! Go here to check out my LINKS
This page created and maintained by: Tux (tux@videotron.ca