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Hello everybody in cyber-land! This is my spiffy page. I am working on some more cool features. But untill they are done,
why not visit my Art Gallery. Or vote for you faviort character below! I have completed Sailor Earth #4!!! So don't forget to check it out. You can still read #1-3 by clicking on the correct links. Looks like Sailor Earth #5 is going to be a little late this month. I probably won't have it up until next month. But be patient! She'll be back again, soon! And I'm still working on those shrines to Sailor Mars and Sailor Venus. I have no idea when they will be up, but hopefully soon. For those of you returning, I have added a lot more cool features. So enjoy! And don't forget to sign my Book Of Wonders, before you leave. If you have any suggestions for my page, put it in my guest book.
Or e-mail me at: Well, until we meet again!
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