Last updated 1/2/2004

Welcome to my little corner of the web. For those who have been here before, you might have noticed, I've redesigned things. If you actually care why, here's the story:
Ack! What Happened?

If not, browse around and be sure to let me know what you think! I welcome any and all input. Just remember, I'm just an amateur........And while I haven't done alot of new stuff lately - I'm still keeping the site up for those who may want to check out the Reilly Countdown Calendar.
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since 3/13/97

Welcome to the Kingdom!
My unofficial site for the Lubbock Cotton Kings - Includes stats, game results and a message board for fans.

For some odd reason, I thought I'd try ice skating. To read all about my trials & tribulations while learning, check out
Mysti's Skating Adventure

When I'm not goofing off, I actually do real work at Texas Tech University.
Mysti's Work

Remember Neil Johannsen from Another World? Now he's Sam Bennett on Passions. Drop in and see what else he's been up too.
Updated 7/26/99

The Billy Warlock Fan Page

Updated 3/30/98
Here's my tribute to Billy Warlock, the best A J Quartermaine ever. Not to mention a big cutie......

Updated 7/26/99

The only page dedicated to every link that could be found to anything that has to do with Brian Boitano. Includes a photo gallery of some of J. Barry Mittan's photographs of Brian. Also info on how to find Brian's new book, Boitano's Edge.

January results updated 3/30/98

Results from the Days Monthly Poll
February/March poll results up soon.... January | December | November

Mysti's Countdown Calendar

Here are the links to my Countdown Calendar, which counted down to the day that Days of Our Lives' headwriter James E Reilly's left Days. I was a huge fan of Days since I was a kid, but Reilly ruined my favorites, including Bo and Hope! I quit watching for a few years, then got sucked back in - then they brought The Evil One back! Man. Sometimes you just can't win for losing.
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | End of Reilly CyberParty!
Like my page? Don't like the new design? Want me to add YOUR page? Think I'm nuts? Then Email me!


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