How'd I Get Here??

Now you may be looking at my pages and wondering "who  is  this guy?"  There's a simple answer to that.....I'M TOM
  This page will tell you more about me, but you'll probably skip the personal stuff and see if there are any links to anything interesting. That's what I would do.

No pictures of me but I look a bit like Syd Barrett except I'm not purple and I rarely have writing in front of my  face

I even like to consider myself a writer, I've had a few things published in fanzines and I've written some short stories and poetry. Currently I'm working on a vampire novel. I know, it's been done before, but I'm hoping  that this novel will have something that the 7000 vampire novels already written don't.

Gratuitous Music Link

Of course, even someone as vain as me must bow before true genius Above is a picture of F. Scott Fitzgerald, who wrote the two greatest American novels ever: The Great Gatsby and Tender Is The Night. The Woman is, of course, his wife Zelda. Her novel, "Save Me The Waltz" is also worth reading,. It's not at the same level of brilliance, but what is?
Click on the Picture for a link to more Fitzgerald information, and here's one to a recording of him reciting Keats' Ode to a Nightingale
. Keats was my favorite Romantic poet after Byron and  he greatly influenced Fitzgerald. (The aiff was mislabeled when I was there so, if you get the wrong one when you download it, try the Othello speech)
Although he's remembered as "avatar of the Jazz Age", that's just a small part of his legacy. He actually did his  best work after he stopped writing about flappers and speakeasies. Still, it was a fun
time so here's a flapper link.

This is Leslie, one of my favorite people in the whole world.  I can't say enough nice things about her.  Intelligent and  funny, she's a good friend, and she knows all the words to "Witchdoctor." and "Build Me Up Buttercup.She also has a fantastic knowledge of vampire literature. In fact, one of the first things we ever talked about was  John Polidori's short story' "The Vampyre," and she's the one who taught me how to pronounce "Vlad Tepes" correctly. She has a wonderful singing voice as well, but the coolest thing about Leslie is.... She's the only person I've ever met with personalized floor mats in her car.

Click here for another of Leslie's favorite songs

Another Thing On My Mind  |  Stuff I Hate  | |Salmoneus

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