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The "Friends"song lyrics
Chandler and Monica details
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Cast pictures
Ross and rachel pics
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Matthew Perry plays the energetic Chandler.Right now he is dating Monica on the show but don't worry ladies, in real life he is very available. You can always count on Chandler to have the punchline ready and set. That might be the reason he is so loved.
Pictures of Matthew Perry
Matthew's biography
Matthew's filmography
Courtney Cox plays the friendly but picky Monica. She's Ross's overprotective sister and is Chandler's beau.
Pictures of Courtney Cox
Courteney's filmography
Jennifer Aniston is the spoiled Friend.Because she was raised in a rich family,her lifestyle is quite different than all the other Friends.She doesn't wash dishes and hates cleaning up after herself.But most guys would agree that she has the best looking face of all the Friends.You can decided that for yourself.
Pictures of Jennifer
Jennifer's biography
Jennifer's filmography
David plays the ever popular "Ross" on the show.He is the known to be more serious and buissness-like but that doesn't stop him from being funny.With his brown hair and eyes,he is a very excellent addition to the show.
Pictures of David
David's filmography
Matt plays "Joey" on the show.He is made out to be the "dumb" one.He is Chandlers best friend and is a great addition to the show.
Pictures of Matt
Matt's filmography
Lisa Kudrow is a very fun and sometimes weird addition to the "friends"cast. She plays "Phoebe"(a slow thinking,funny singer) Most people would agree that she is a very good character and the show would not be where it is if she wasn't in it.
Pictures of Lisa
Lisa's filmography
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This page is not associated with Warner Brothers or NBC.If you happen to have any problems with the graphics or pictures or any other thing,feel free to contact me and I will delete it.This page is not meant to violate copyrights and I do apologize if I have.