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person to visit my page since I finally added the counter on April 7th. You must feel special!
Buffy, Xander, Willow, Angel, Cordelia, Oz, Faith, Giles, Spike... with some nice pics of 'em all right here! My page is still under a LOT of construction and it will take a while to get all of it done...
Hi, My name is not angelofcrystal. That's my username.
Angel Buffy Buffy Page Cordelia Faith Giles Oz Spike Willow
I signed up on March 28th, 1999, 4:59:23 PM, and I'm now working on my page. If you know anything that will help me make my web page better, feel free to e-mail me with suggestions at
Angel Buffy Buffy Page Cordelia Faith Giles Oz Spike Willow