PaRtY oF FiVe RoCks!!!!!!!
Neve Campbell as Julia Salinger
| Lacey Chabert as Claudia Salinger
Matthew Fox as Charlie Salinger
Scott Wolf as Bailey Salinger
| Jennifer Love Hewitt as Sarah Reeves |
Stephen and Andrew Cavarno as Owen Salinger
|Guest Stars
*By HUGE request, here is LaCeY's own section!*
NeW InFo!!!
A sequel for I Know What You Did Last Summer is said to begin shooting in March of 98'! Love & Brandy (the R&B singer) will be co-starring together! Neve wants out of Party of Five. She's asked the producers and so far, their response is no! It'll be a tragedy for the show if this goes through. From Party of Five to Party of Four. It is said that Neve is in every episode this season and will be in next seasons too! *Whew!* We can all breathe again!
Party of Five is the best tv drama! It is filled with the best actors and actresses! Some had roles on Broadway! And others had main roles in hit movies! The people who chose these magnificent characters sure do have great taste and sense! To tell you the truth, the characters even show a resemblence of one another as a real family would.
This show is very riveting and has the most breath-taking scenes! It's so real, you can feel it!
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Why Party of Five isn't Party of Seven?
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