Copyright 2003
Steve Vitolo
S-Man's Seinfeld Explosion!
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For the GREAT Review of My Site!
In the March 1998 issue
Y-Life applauds the Top 10 fan sites
S-Man's "Seinfeld" Explosion
"The S-Man is no 'assman' -- his site is one of the better 'Seinfeld' tribute pages. Of particular interest to fans are the weekly chat forum and an excellent sound collage that combines more than a minute of the most hilarious 'Seinfeld' moments in one audio clip (including one of our favorite lines, 'The jerkstore called, and they're all out of you.')"
Also, check out an article that was written about Seinfeld in the St. Petersburg Times . The S-Man was even quoted in it (4th Paragraph!)
Click Here to check it out
The one and only "Seinfeld Collage" by yours truly, The S-Man, is getting rave reviews across the Web! You must check it out! Also, while you are enjoying your stay here, check out the all new interactive Seinfeld Puzzle! This puzzle was created by NBC, and to go to their official Seinfeld Site, click on the the graphic below.

Seinfeld Collage
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