July 1, 97- The page has been updated! I recently got back from a month-long trip to India.
May 9, 97- I have removed the M$IE Joke Page- I still hate IE, but the page was having problems which I didn't want to deal with.
Feb 10, 97- Wondering what happened to the rest of my page? Read this notice.
The Simpsons Enjoy the official Web site of the Simpsons on the Fox Television Network, which is a News Corp. Company. The show is, according to Mr. Tom Alessandri, "One of the most literate shows on tv." I hope you have a chance to experience the fresh, witty humor of the show! I love the alliterations to everything from the X Files to Broadway, from literature to old "B" movies. A recent episode that combined the X-Files and the Simpsons was one of the best episodes of the show I have seen. If you do not hear the background sound from this page, you can hear it by clicking here. I believe that you will also enjoy this site, The Simpsons Archive. It has FAQs, Guides, info on
upcoming and past episodes, and links to other great Simpsons sites. This season, the episodes have been good overall, but some of the episodes are much below the usual standard of the Simpsons. Well, the show is reaching the end of its long run and will finish with great honors. The X Files Ahh..the X Files, Fox's number one show. The drama and thrill of the show are great. The relationship of Mulder and Scully is the perfect platonic relationship, yet they seem to have a deeper relationship. After so many years of intense friendship, they can barely come to utter each others' first names! But, the cult nature of the show requires one to watch all the episodes in order to more completely understand the "puzzle." However, I really don't like non-arc episodes that don't help explain the big picture most of the time, such as the episode with the machine cockroaches that were attracted to human flesh. Sometimes these episodes are entertaining, but not always. Scully's recent development of cancer has added a new emotional twist to the show. This season, IMHO, has not been the greatest overall. In fact, Chris Carter seems to be spending much more time on his other show, "Millennium." Something important has come to my attention: Fox is trying to shutdown unofficial sites of the X-Files. For example, this site was shut down. Have a look at the "Cease and Desist" order given by Fox.
Oh,by the way, "I made this!"
Former Background Sounds These sounds were formally the background sounds that you heard when you entered my site. (You heard them if you use Netscape, IE, or Mosaic) I have them listed here so that you can still hear them or download them! Remember, "You're watching Fox, shame on you." From The Critic.
Homer says he was mistaken; he hungered for a sandwich, not destruction!
Homer says he has always been an obese man trapped in a fat man's body.
Apu agrees, although it dishonors his family & religion.
Daffy Duck, aka Duck Dodgers, pushes Marvin the Martian off "his" planet.
Mrs. Slocumbe and Ms. Brahms are disgusted about the thought of kissing Mr. Rumbold.
"Television: teacher, mother, secret lover."
Grampa is in the Elk, Masons, Gay & Lesbian Alliance, and the Stonecutters.
Homer says he went to a porno shop, instead of telling everyone that he was drunk.
Grampa is not sure if he is in love or having a stroke.
Ned says that he will run you over.
Celebrate the independence of your country by blowing up a small piece of it.
The Chief: Some prunes are headed your way.
Is this a freaking country bear jambaraoo?
Homer complains that he lacks the time to be funky.
A midi from 2001: A Space Odyssey.
Kirk tells Scotty to keep the ship together. From ST: Generations.
A midi of the theme song of ST:Voyager.
Bart complains of problems with his ovaries.
Free Speech on the Net The US government, in breech of the United States Constitution, has tried to prevent so-called "Indecent Material" on the Internet. This action shows a fundamental lack of understanding of human nature and the right of the individual and the parent to censure for themselves and their children. Government should not have a role in censorship. Did America spend billions of dollars in effort to defeat "The Evil Empire" so that it could end up a Nazi-like nation of state censorship? Decide for yourself. Of course, what do you expect from politicians, intelligence? (Then, you are looking at the wrong one-neuron organisms)
Update: Well, at least the Supreme Court of the United States understands the unconstitutional nature of the CDA!
Finally, I leave this space to praise a very brave company, . for taking on a very big bully, M$, lead by the evil Gates! Please support Netscape and don't use M$ IE. Follow this link to laugh and bash M$! Or go to the M$ Hate Page! Please support other companies such as Oracle and Apple who are fighting to prevent the domination of evil in the industry!I can't think of ANY company in the world that I distrust more than M$!
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