My Name is Jennifer Lynn Wilcox. I am 18 years old. I live in a small town of
Union in the province of Ontario, in the country of Canada! Eh?
I am in grade
OAC and I attend Arthur Voaden Secondary School. It's a pretty big and old school.I have a boyfriend named Dale who is such a cutie. I like all types of music. My favourite colour is electric blue and my favourite place in the world is LAS VEGAS!
My interests are MUSIC,computers and sports. I play the trombone in parkside's concert band. I am the Treasurer of the school's Student's Council. I am also on the Radio Voaden, News Paper and Field Hockey My fave sports are
field hockey, swimming,golf, snowboarding,Horse Riding, volleyball,baseball and gymnastics.
That's me when I was 7 years old
Sparta Public School: Class of 96
I Won An Award!
I had recently recieved an award called:
Mama_Hawks Cool Site Award
It's in my guestbook so take a peek at it when you SIGN MY GUESTBOOK!
Take a Peek At My Sections Of Jenn's Musical Paradise!
Jenn and Sara's RENT Page!!!(not a lot in here)
Jenn's FRIEND page(You could probably see your name there)
Jenn's TV Land!!!(Favourite past and present t.v. shows)
Enter The Real "Jenn's Musical Paradise!!!"(Mainstream Music & The A.V.S.S. Band)
See my TITANIC page!!!(good for getting information!)
It's....Jenn's Monty Python Page!(Britan's madcap comedy troup)
Jenn's Vintage Music Page(Dedicated to my father)
A NEW page added on.... History...
My brother is in a band Star 67...check out their page!
I am not the best at making these pages.... but it relaxes me. My page is two years old! A lot of good and bad things have happened since then...that's the life of a teenager I guess....
This Page Was Last Updated: 00-03-14
It is always changing so drop by frequently!
Been here since Sunday March 22,1998