Welcome to The Red Turbo Ranger's newly designed, Turbo Charged web page. I have lots of cool stuff, like a cool Club you can join if you have a program like mirc or pirch, an all new chat page, a Gold Ranger Shrine, and much, much more!!! Oh, and by the way, One of the things that made me think of redesigning this site is the new rangers. Read more about them at the lower part of the page. Thank you for returning to this page, and making this page successfull!!
#1 This page will be moving to a new place, go to the www.Angel-Grove.com section to find out where.
#2. If you notice, at the bottom of this page, there is a guestbook. I would really appreciate it if you all
would go in there and sign it. And thank you for looking, and supporting this page.
#3 If you REALLY like this site, please help advertise it by telling your friends, putting a link to it on your
web page, or anything like that. The more people we get visiting this page, the more people you'll get to chat with!
#4 I appologize for not telling you guys about me redesigning this site. I just had to I couldn't wait!
With a new episode came new Rangers. These new rangers come with new abilities, fighting styles, and more! TJ has Lightning Fire Tamer, Justin has Siren Blaster, Carlos has Thunder Loader,Ashley has Star Racer, and Cassie has Wind Rescue. In my opinion these new rangers will be good in time when they have a bit more experience, but even now they're AWESOME!!!! And keep watching, soon a new and mysterious Ranger shall come, and this Ranger shall be known as The Phantom Ranger! So stay tuned!!
Special thanks to Thena, Ann Marie, Zyuray, Anycool, Snoops Warner, and a very special thanks to White_Tiger, Captn_Eclipse, Timo, and ZeoBrent for making certain pics on this page, and having the heart to let me use them, and everyone who has supported me in the making of this web page!!! Thank you all!!!!
I am in no way, shape or form associated with Saban Entertainment, or Toei Inc. Red Turbo Ranger, and Power Rangers Turbo are © copyrighted 1996. Saban Entertainment All Rights Reserved.
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