*NOTICE: Because I am now working as a web site designer and graphic artist, plus my other projects and family time, I will no longer be creating free graphic sets- EXCEPT for holiday sets and graphics. If you would like to hire me to make your custom graphics and animations, please visit Sunset Web Design.

 For any of you who want to use my graphics.... I solemnly swear to let you use them as long as you link to my site, do not include them in collections, or use them for commercial purposes... if I catch you using them without a link to my site, I will not flame you, curse you, badmouth you, blackball you, or cyberstalk you- I will simply ask you nicely to link them- like any TRUE lady would do, and then I'll take legal action if you get rude. I know that no one is perfect and I am not the type of person who is self-righteous and mental about my graphics. If I didn't want anyone to use them without worshipping me first, I would have made you pay a fee at the door. J I will create more when I have time, as I work quite a lot and do have a family to take care of. All of my graphics are copywritten, by the way, so don't go changing them around or adding them to collections please. If you use one of my graphics, please link one of my logos (saved to your own hard drive) to my main page at:


You can pick up a logo at:


The size of the graphics on my pages, are not necessarily the graphics true size. SAVE ALL IMAGES TO YOUR OWN HARDDRIVES!!!!!!!!!!!! J Buttons, bars, backgrounds, and bullets of that subject are included on almost every page. If you don't find what you're looking for, there is a link at the bottom of this page to a list of other graphic sites. Don't forget to visit my holiday pages, links pages, genealogy pages, and other pages!


Holiday graphics are posted on my holiday pages, with original sets, animations, backgrounds, borders, buttons, bullets, links, and more. I've been mostly concentrating on my holiday graphics lately- that's way the list of sets below looks so small. There are 1000's of holiday graphics here so grab a cup of coffee and get comfortable.

  COUNTRY GRAPHICS- some simple backgrounds and images- nothing fancy, mostly county craftsy looking graphics with a few holiday ones thrown in. Nothing great, just some graphics I made when I was bored back in the days when I had free time.


(made by Sunset Angel Graphics)

Unless it says "tiles, backgrounds, or etc" the pages contain complete graphic sets


  Christmas Cherubs
  Mountain Angel
  Bubble Angel
  Column Angel
  Petal Angel
  Forrest Angel


  Wine Quilt
  Blue Quilt
  School House


  Under Construction
  Under Construction
  Music Tiled Backgrounds
  Family Tree/Genealogy


  Bordered Backgrounds
  Tiled Backgrounds
  Scarlett and Mammy Getting Ready for the Bar-b-que
  Scarlett telling Ashley that she loves him in the library
  Scarlett and Tara
  Scarlett and Gerald
  Scarlett visiting Rhett in jail
  Scarlett and Gerald in the sunset
  "I shall never be hungry again"
  The bar-b-que at Twelve Oaks
  Scarlett in the red dress
  The bedroom scene
  The fall of Atlanta
  The portrait
  The Stairs of Tara
  Another "I shall never be hungry again"
  Movie Scenes Collage
  Movie Scenes Collage II
  The famous kiss
  The first kiss
  The proposal

angels have visited this page since July 7, 1998

Do you know who created the painting on this page's background set? If so PLEASE e-mail me, I'm dying to know who the artist is (a friend sent me the graphic, I made the set- the picture bears an eerie resemblance to me- down to the way I sit, my hairline, nose, eyes, etc. Took me a week to convince my mom I didn't pose for it. Haha.) I have a sneaky suspicion the artist is a young man that I used to pose for in art class many years ago- looks like his style. Please let me know if you know who he/she is.


Some really great graphics sites that I have found:
(ranked by me) 


The Graphics Ring

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