Calumet Arts Center

The Calumet Arts Center

This is our old page.

Click here to go back to our new main page.

56W. Chippewa St. Buffalo, NY, 14202
716-855-2220 (main office)
716-856-2161 (ticket & info line)
716-842-2787 (fax, 5AM-5PM)

This site was created by Labs International.
Practical solutions to real problems.

The new Restaurant at The Calumet is now open for dinner Monday-Saturday. There is music & entertainment every Friday & Saturday night.

Don't forget to post your own comments, questions, or links at our new bbs system.


Click here to go back to our new main page.

***The Calumet Arts Center***

Restaurant menu (printer friendly)

***Calumet Arts Center Listings***

***La Luna!*** ***The Third Room***

***Our new bbs system!*** out what's going on!

Yahoo's local Buffalo Directory

Alta Vista's local Directory

The Calumet Building

*Best of Buffalo *Year round events

*The Bedrock Boys *Artvoice

*Music Calendar *History Works

*Joe's Cyber-Kitchen *St. Pat's Day

*Public events *downtown architecture

*Welcome magazine *Gap Mangione

*Wendell Rivera Them< /a> Jazzbeards

*One World Tribe * Michael Civisca

*Leon & the Forklifts *Go Dog Go

*Audio tips *Thurs. at the Square

*Friendship Festival *Goll y, more events!
*Animal Planet *Big Buffalo Blowup!

This site is brought to you by buffalobud at or snail mail me at,


P.O. Box 827

Buffalo, NY, 14205

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Clicks on this site since 1/1/99

calumet arts cafe downtown buffalo ny wny erie county new york state chippewa street st strip elmwood delaware franklin pearl main theater district mark goldman third room la luna big shotz liars brinks soho bradford 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 west mcmonkees zoo barrel house spot coffee starbucks adult books crocodile continental happy hour drinks beer special specials tuesday crusin thursday at the square weekends movie night burning spear yellowman reggae hip hop rock latin latino fridays weekends sheas tralf studio arena sabres hdtv widescreen outside concert concerts band band dj vj street party antique cars techno trance psycedellic silver screen cuba cuban cigars entertainment jazz blues theatre digital television outdoors dvd super vhs lease rent hall banquets private parties book booked group stage sound system booth

There's a new war going on: TeckWarz2005 Must Die!