This site may contain some ADULT CONTENT. Even though there is no PORNOGRAPHY, it may be unsuitable for people with weak hearts, boring personalities, or just have no lives. If this means you, please push BACK on your browsers now.
Welcome to my humble page (yeah right). Anyway, enough jackin around I'm going to tell you about me weather you like it or not.
Matt Standridge: The Man Behind The Page
Hey there kiddies.  You have reached Sandwich's Palace of Love.  Take a look around.  I have been good about adding new pictures.  Also. while you're hear, please sign the guest book.  That is, if you have something NICE to say.  You want all the scoops on life, love, and the rest of me?  Go to my info page
An awsome on-line animation site
The absolute best site for information on fitness, weight-loss, and nutrition
The official South Park Site!
Complete Car Stereo and Home Audio/Video products.
The official HALLOWEEN website
(I'm a horror film fanatic)
(more soon to come )
Warped Tour '05
My 21st B-Day
New Year's '06
My features
Love test
Game cheats
Dumbass Of The Month Award!
Thank you for being the person to visit my site