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Hello! Welcome to my home. I am Ian Wallace, descended of William Wallace and a Fianna Athro Ahroun, Master of the Challenge and Elder of the Sept of the Wandering Moon. Come, peruse my library and look over my stories. I think you'll like what you see.
~ The History of Ian Wallace, and the Fianna

The Litany

Fianna of the World

Attitudes of the Tribes and Others

Celtic Tricks and Toys
Or you can talk to me or my friends at....

the Sept of the Wandering Moon

the backroom of my bar, The Black Stag Pub
DISCLAIMER: This page is for a GAME. Werewolves are not real, and neither are vampires, ghosts, faeries, mummies, Vanilla Ice or any other scary boogie men. At least not in a White Wolf sort of way. If you believe that White Wolf books are an occult Bible, it is time for you to step outside and get some air. And cash in that reality check you've apparently stashed away.

All references to Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Garou, tribe, gift, and auspice names or any other World of Darkness material is copyrighted by
White Wolf and is their property. Graphics on this page were courtesy Lady Mox. Sept of the Wandering Moon is a creation of Brian Waite and Anna Collins. Ian Wallace and any fetishes displayed in "Fianna Tricks and Tips" are all MINE!