
The 2005 MTF Poker Run From Hell

October 2 - 8, 2005

Kerrville, Texas

Event Manager:  Doug Woodall
Assistant Event Manager:  Bill Neese
Adventure Rides:  Steve Anderson
Flower Sniffing:  Bill Neese
Long Distance Ride:  Rick Neeley
Lodging and Hospitality:  Terry "Mellow Yellow" Braud

All data here is preliminary and subject to change as the ride planning evolves

The PRFH comes to Texas for the first time October 2 - 8 2005.   Our host city will be Kerrville, Texas.  Easy to get to and located in the middle of the Texas Hill Country.  This year we bring three great rides together.   Whether you like off-road, flower sniffing, or long distance riding, the 2005 PRFH has something for everyone.

All events will kick off on Monday morning and will conclude Friday.  We will have a Dutch-treat lunch on Saturday to give out awards, tell lies, and generally have a good time.   We will try to wrap this up in plenty of time for everyone to get started home on Saturday.  

Click on the links above for specific details of the rides, registration, and lodging information.


Long Distance Ride Adventure Rides Flower Sniffing Registration Lodging

All content is copyright 2005 Motorcycle Tourers' Forum unless otherwise noted.  All rights reserved.  No information contained herein shall be copied or used in any way without the expressed permission of the MTF.