this is for my one and only......
and was brought to you by:
all those nights in the basement, the kids are still screaming.. on and on and on and on....

hey we're totally old skool (me and j)

he's the best
warning: this page is in a constant stage of progression
hell yes!
"it's better than nothing. it's better than you can get"
this page goes out to anyone that has ever believed in me [to eric, my aperapic...i love you most of all, my mom-I love you more than you'll ever know, my brother-i love you, my dad, my girlie girl--Jennifer, Paul L, Kate, my family--esp Dana and Carol, the girls from the thursday msg board LAUREN<3, Eric's family, jules and especially to Eric and our little miracle--Elise Madison that arrived at 8:10 pm on Jan 19th 2002-we love you and you are such a blessing! from the moment i laid eyes on you, I fell in love].
fuck the world
Brought to YoU bY afallingbomb801 2004
2am saturday. i love you, eric.