Personality Tests

** NEW ** Elemental Personality Assessment JavaScript Test
This is a Test to see if the EPA will work correctly on you system. If you are worried about spending alot of time trying to take the test, and then having it not work, please try this out first. It only takes a minute or less to find out whether or not the EPA will work for you.
Elemental Personality Assessment
This is a personality test I devised several years ago. Take it and find out what personality type you are. Or just take it, to help me out. (I need more participants to fully evaluate and validate it 8-) ).

EPA Results Reviewer
If you have already taken the EPA (Elemental Personality Assessment) and have forgotten your results, then try this link to retrieve them (the results stay on your computer, or the one you were one when you took it). NOTE: If you have already taken the test and can't find your results, email me and with the name(s) and birthdate you entered on the original test, and I'll try to retrieve them for you. Please do not retake the test (that causes duplicates in my data, which can invalidate any conclusions drawn from them). If this becomes a frequent problem, I will add a page for those who have already taken it.

Hopefully, before it ever becomes a problem, I will have enough results to provide a test with more thorough and exact results.

Astrological Sign Meanings
If you wrote down (or copied, via Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C, and pasted with Ctrl+V) your original results to a document (for a step-by-step procedure to saving your results click here), then you can again look up the meaning of the Astrological Signs for your results.

** NEW ** Differential Digit Personality Assessment
This is a personality test I devised last year. Take it and find out what personality type you are. Or just take it, to help me out. (I need more participants to fully evaluate and validate it 8-) ).

Numbers Meanings
This page has a brief descriptoin of the Numbers and Occupations associated with them.

Some EQ Tools

QParse for DOS

Some EQ Maps

My other web sites

Alter Ego
The really, really old and long past due to be updated web site for the Alternative Rock band I used to be in. There is still some cool pics and the like but nothing new on it since about 1996.

Other web sites to visit like this one

Barbarian's Lair
An excellent set of pages about Norse religion, Wizards, Metaphysics, 1st Century Barbarians, and of course Personality Tests. Note the new link location: http://www.wizardrealm.com/

Go straight to the personality tests page.

Sean's List of Online Tests
A semi-cool listing of online tests, with good descriptions. Mostly the same tests as listed at Barbarian's Lair above.

All about psychiatry/psychology.

A new web directory, that has the EPA test listed as the Coolest among the 11 IQ & Personality test (under the Tons of Trivia.com Heading).

If you haven't got the picture yet. Mostly this site will be devoted to personality and the symbolisms used in describing it.

Copyright ©1998 by Bryan C. Weber, All rights reserved.