Enjoy the Stroll, Relax and Sit Tight.
Tammy's(Wynonna's) Site
Foy's Site
Me and my baby - 1999
Hello, as you have probably guessed, you have reached my first attempt at my website. With special thanks and help to "A Really Good friend", this site was made possible. Sorry it's been so long since i've done work on my homepage but a lot has been going on. As you have guessed, I've moved to Toronto to be with the love of my life back in March of '99, whome I met online over a year and a half ago (Wynonna-Tammy). Things have been going great in our relationship, but ofcourse all new relationships need to work out their quirks.

I also have been having alot of problems with my computer and lost alot of my graphics and pics to add, so I will be working on getting new ones to add. Please come back, as I will be updating it often. I am in the process of getting more pics done for you to enjoy.

Well i suppose i should say a little about myself. I was born and raised in Nova Scotia, the youngest of six (5 boys and 1 girl). All live there except for 3. I have one brother in New Brunswick, and another brother in British Columbia,(he is the one in the link), and I now live here in Toronto, Canada.

I have many hobbies. Hockey, music, singing(LOVE COUNTRY MUSIC) and you guessed it.."COMPUTERS".
I enjoy meeting new people and learning new things about them, and I have met many that I consider great and true friends, and as always, I welcome many more. I enjoy keeping busy with chores and entertaining people. I love television, and naturally, I love attention and harmless flirting...*EG* Call me human...sheeeesh...like i'm the only one...*S*.

Since July of '97,(since i had the computer)I have learned so much from meeting and sharing ideas with others i have met in the various chat programs. I hope to be able to learn programming at an institute called ITI here in Halifax. It is the best around, unfortunately it cost alot, so I will have to do alot of saving (will take donations)*wink*.

Well that is all for now, feel free to check out my links and page me on one of the chat rooms. I can usually be found on Netmeeting, Irisphone and ICQ (7052742)Look me up and Q.M. me...k?.

Also, I would like to mention thanks to all my friends especially "Elaine(Blond`E)" and Tammy (Wynonna) for their long time love and patience and friendship all this time..., Elaine has taught me to go after my dreams and goals. She also taught me so much about myself.I love ya hon. Thanx again ...oh yeah, her link is below, go check it out, Endless thanx hon...*wink* I owe ya. Plus, there are many other links you might enjoy, so please...feel free to download any of these sites.

Brother's Site
Met on-lne in August 1998 - fell in love then moved to be with her in 1999.
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